Category: Social, personal & family life

  1. NO OFFER.

    A letter from VTAC, addressed to me. I rip it open, enjoying the sound of tearing paper. NO OFFER. Written in capitals, bold, and size 18 font. How polite! I complain to my bemused housemate, waving the letter around. They even included a pamphlet telling me how to accept my NO OFFER offer! Rub it in, VTAC, rub it in!

  2. A calling [Daniel]

    There’s a certain period of time where things start to nip and jab at your subconscious, whether it be about the way a certain girl [or guy, I can be open minded…. not in that way though …..] looks at you, the words in a job advertisement coincide with the smile on your face, or […]

  3. Poor.

    The moment when you realise you can’t afford to buy $2 burgers from McDonalds is the moment you realise how poor you are. Having lived only two weeks on a budget of $30, I can declare to you that I need a damned job.   Centrelink is paying me the maximum amount of both Youth […]

  4. Ruminating on Plans Gone Awry – Money, Moving, VTAC Offers

    This is a post about being a good sister (*cough*martyr*cough) and not getting your own way. I’ve been living with my boyfriend for the past six months in a lovely mansion – a heritage listed one, no less – that he rents with 4 other friends. Rent has been very cheap for me and my […]

  5. Chapter Sixty: Long Distance Friendships (~jinghan)

    I realised that since I’ve been here I haven’t really had time to talk to you about anything non-trivial about my life. It’s like when you’ve been friends with someone for a while and then you realise that all the conversations you’ve ever had are somewhat smallish talk. Actually it is very much like that: […]

  6. The Perils of Friends & Personal Freedom

    Strange this, but I don’t think I went into detail as to why I moved. There are perils of living with friends. The thing is, you don’t really know a person until you’ve lived with them a little while. At the start of this year I was incredibly excited to be moving in with one of […]

  7. Chapter Thirty-Five: Growing Old and Growing Up (~jinghan)

    Note from the Author: Sorry for writing everything out of order. Such is life. July 18th 2011 It’s 11 am approximately 20 years after the day I was born and I am still in bed. For the past few years (the teenaged years) birthdays have come and gone with excitement or disappointment or most commonly both, but […]

  8. Rollin’ with it.

    Hey howdy friends and lovers, it’s been… a while… since I checked back here. I feel like I’ve been busy, yet in reflection, I’ve done very little. But then, I don’t think it’s how much you’re doing that defines busy, but how absorbed you are. Little things are still my fascination. =) Today all I’ve […]

  9. Chapter Thirty: Griff (~jinghan)

    PostSecret is an ongoing community mail art project, created by Frank Warren, in which people mail their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. Select secrets are then posted on the PostSecret website, or used for PostSecret’s books or museum exhibits. (Wikipedia) And every now and again I go to the blog site and read through the […]

  10. Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Stolen Birthday (~jinghan)

    So, I have a friend of mine who, despite being super smart, is only just turning 18 this year. It’s been ages since anyone I’ve known has turned 18. And then I have an idea… and here you witness the birth of all things evil. — — — — — Imagine this: it’s the morning […]

Number of posts found: 143