Category: Study
Well, that totally makes my day. (Suzanne)
Hi guys! I’ve been ridiculously busy this week, with a pretty big backlog of to-dos, so I really shouldn’t be blogging, but I’d just like to make an announcement: I got appointed as a general member to the editorial board of the Melbourne Journal of International Law yesterday (decided, on reflection, not to apply to […]
A Jumbled Post (Georgie)
Well hello again. It’s third week back, and I thought it about time to make post. Make a post? Perhaps write a post. Uni is, as alway, awesome. I was a little worried before I came back about the expectations of second year arts and the fact that we’re in tutes with 3rd 4th 5th […]
Cob webs in car
I drive that little these days that I found Cob webs in my Car. This is likely to get worse as I’ve now also got a bike to ride to uni. So much better to get to uni by bike. Get some exercise and only takes about 20-30 minutes as opposed to about 30-50 by […] -
Fantasy & more study tips–crash guide to survive
I guess i am still in the fantasy land. All my expectation has somewhat failed at uni but guess the has been a lot of positives that happened too. I am questioning my philosophy of living simply. Busy life vs simple life, i guess i can have a simple set of goals in mind but […]
Probability went better than I thought it would. I think I’d have a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 5 on a normal distribution, approximately that is. (Using the central limit theorem on a binomial distribution. Dammit, I didn’t know how to prove the central limit theorem!) Also couldn’t find my friend Y […] -
Just another post
Hey people. Right now I’m intending to do some vector analysis study and also get my Essay for History and Philosophy of Mathematics done by Friday, rather than when it is due the Tuesday after. Simply because it will be so much easier to hand in that way. Went to a bar on High Street […] -
Insomnia (Chris)
My sleeping patterns have been destroyed in the last few weeks due to a combination of factors: a hectic assignment schedule, the connection of superfast ADSL 2+ broadband in my share house, my progression from single to double-shot cappucinos (skim milk with only a TINY bit of froth thanks) and an eclectic, if slightly decadent, […] -
Byte (Chris)
Very quickly – I thought that this year was going to be easy after securing a transfer and boy was I wrong. It has been hell. Not only are my Law subjects eating away all my time but I also took on way too many extracurricular committments and on top of that, I have secured […] -
Attempt Number Two.
Aloha,Pretty cool that we still get to share our experiences of second year!!!O week was fun; I strongly recommend being a host to everyone. It was also extra good for me because I now know my “new peers” seeing as I am only doing my first semester of first year now. Also, there’s another person […] -
When things change, yet stay the same (Sophie)
Well…I am back to my second week of classes. I am finally starting to slowly settle back in. It has been difficult and the whole routine has been something of a shock to the system. Despite the fact my vacation was anything but quiet, the atmosphere of University is so intense and the time I […]
Number of posts found: 131