Indonesia Postgraduate Network (IPN) Start-of-Year Welcome Picnic, 2022. Indonesia Postgraduate Network (IPN) Start-of-Year Welcome Picnic, 2022. Photographer: Annisa Hartoto

Indonesia Postgraduate Network (IPN)

The Indonesia Postgraduate Network (IPN) aims to support mutual understanding and cultivate support networks between postgraduate students in Australia in Indonesia, bringing together and encouraging collaboration between postgraduate students from the University of Melbourne, Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Gadjah Mada. We plan to have our first series of Peer Support Group discussions within the next couple of months. These discussions will be safe spaces where postgraduates can share their experiences in dealing with issues like imposter syndrome and ways to work independently while maintaining meaningful connections.

Jonathan Peter (PhD candidate, History), Bronwyn Beech Jones (Hansen PhD scholar in History) and Annisa Sabrina Hartoto (SSPS) are co-convenors of the network.

If you are interested in joining the IPN and receiving news about future events, please feel free to contact Jonathan via email.


Feature image: Indonesia Postgraduate Network (IPN) Start-of-Year Welcome Picnic, 2022. Photographer: Annisa Sabrina Hartoto