Melbourne University Classics & Archaeology Students Society

Melbourne University Classics & Archaeology Students Society (MUCLASS) is a club for anyone interested in ancient history, mythology, archaeology or the Classics. We run a broad range of social and academic events, including trivia nights, museum visits, board game sessions, and film screenings.

Our committee structure is based on the ancient Roman cursus honorum, or ‘path of offices’ in which ambitious nobles would compete. The 2024 committee is:

Consul (President): Hannah Groom
Consul (President): Benjamin Cronshaw
Quaestor (Treasurer): Jaime Garnham
Aedile (Education Officer): Katherine Wen
Praetor (Secretary): Isabella Greene 
Senators (General Committee): Elizabeth Riley, Georgia Felton, Luca Vetere 

For more information on MUCLASS, they can be found on Instagram, Facebook and email.