Blended Synchronous Learning Strategies to Enhance Learning and Promote Group Activities

Remote learning is hear to stay, at least for the short- to medium-term. This poses significant challenges for conducting group work activities and flipped-classroom and practical activities that aim to enhance active learning. How do we give students the University education experience in their living/bed room?

With every intention of giving students the University campus experience, I set out to conduct blended synchronous learning (BSL) classes in semester 1 for a foundational biomedical engineering subject called Mechanics for Bioengineering. On July 6th, I’ll be participating in a webinar panel discussion on strategies for BSL classrooms as part of the SoTEL bootcamp. Watch out for news and links about this panel discussion on the SoTEL website and your inboxes soon.

Find out more about Vijay Rajagopal: @vj_rajagopal &