Playing it Alone (Chris)
Independence is a big thing, people. Right now it’s probably a pretty attractive prospect to many of you – no parents to deal with, no rules to live by except your own, endless partying and socialising. And let me assure you that in the context of University study, this is all true. But at the same time, you’re on your own, so it’s essential to consider what it is that you’re forgoing when you move out of home and into independent surroundings. You’ve got to take responsibility for many things like cooking, cleaning, washing and drying clothes as well as purchasing goods and household services like gas and electricity. These are things you previously take for granted, and now, you’ve got to manage them and come in within a budget! While independence is certainly liberating, it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
I’m making the transition to independence with good progress. My housemates and I aren’t too overwhelmed with the load of responsibility now on our shoulders, although things might change as the University workload increases. It’s a big challenge, but hey, if I wasn’t up for it I never would have moved from Sydney! I’m on the lookout for work again as my transfer from Myer in New South Wales to Melbourne doesn’t appear to have been accepted. But I’m managing to balance a lot of my time spent job-hunting and playing the adult with going out and enjoying time with friends. Melbourne’s live music scene is brilliant, and I can’t wait to further experience Brunswick St. this weekend.
On the front of lectures / tutorials, that might perhaps warrant its own entry when I can find the motivation to keep typing 🙂