Monday evenings are always opportune to contemplate life’s great philosophical questions.
What I like about this question is that it has an air of duality. It is not a dilemma for the vast majority of us who have the privilege of choice. We have not cause for concern over a matter as trivial as McDonalds Vs. KFC.
But, the same question posed by a homeless person who does not know where their next meal will come from – that is the quintessence of a true dilemma.
Food for thought.
Perhaps an even greater dilemma once famously posed as an essay question to a philosophy class:
Monday evenings are always opportune to contemplate life’s great philosophical questions.
What I like about this question is that it has an air of duality. It is not a dilemma for the vast majority of us who have the privilege of choice. We have not cause for concern over a matter as trivial as McDonalds Vs. KFC.
But, the same question posed by a homeless person who does not know where their next meal will come from – that is the quintessence of a true dilemma.
Food for thought.
Perhaps an even greater dilemma once famously posed as an essay question to a philosophy class:
I hear you brother.
I had a sandwich.
nothing special. When I’m at home (ok, not now, I’m in college at the moment) and was home alone a good bowl of cereal was always nice.
bread with any food is good. especially if you need something to soak up an unwanted college-food-flavour.