One More Time! + motorbikes (Johanna)
I’m having one of those strange days where I just have so much to express, and writing seems to be the only way I can think of it. I’m not particularly good at crafting insightful or humourous entries; my writing just falls out of my head haphazardly in a stream of consciousness. Sometimes there are sparkly glints, sometimes it’s just boring. I guess we’ll see what happens. But carrying on from the post before this one, written by Chris, I’m a bit concerned/bemused by a startling revelation concerning my own personality.
I’m a girly girl. I wear skirts and dresses and I think I only own a couple of pairs of trousers. Most of my shoes are heels, I like singing and dancing, I’m a pacifist, I had a slight obsession with fairies and pixies when I was little and I have a pink iPod and candy-coloured fairy lights in my bedroom. Now I have discovered that I also like motorbikes. I’m not sure how this fits in with my lifestyle, but it has just happened! Does anybody else reading have a motorbike, or like them?
Mind you, I only went on one short ride (about an hour).. but we did go rather fast .. it was 3am, so no other cars on the road. Ok ‘rather fast’ is understatement of the century.. we went the kind of fast that makes your face feel like it’s being ripped off. It was possibly one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. I’m not sure yet whether I just like being a passenger or if I could deal with the whole ‘taking-my-life-into-my-hands’ aspect of riding by myself.
Maybe I should find out if they make pink riding outfits! 😛 (joke…)
Random note: My housemate and I have taken to going to McDonalds on Sydney Road and buying a single cheeseburger cut in half maybe once a week or so. We’re both regularly poor and we figure that half a cheeseburger isn’t nearly as bad for us as a whole one each. We must look incredibly pathetic.. now the girls who work there know exactly what we want before we even ask. It’s sad.
In other news, Anything Goes is going nicely. There has been an insane amount of backstage nastiness and scandal, but we somehow manage to put that behind us each night we stepped onto the stage. There are still a few tickets available on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights for anybody who wants to brave the whole hour (oh no!) to Geelong. Call 5225 1200 for tickets or details. Don’t come just for me though.. I’m barely in it, unfortunately. I will post some pictures soon though.
Now to find the perfect audition song for Beauty and the Beast..
Hehe, I’m very amused by the cheeseburger thing… it’s cute.
There’s nothing wrong with liking motorbikes, whoever you are! In Vietnam, everyone rides little motorbike-things, and you see whole families crammed onto one. It’s pretty funny, and great fun.
Good luck with your BatB audition!
Ohh! Motor-scooters! I lived in Taiwan when I was little, and the most we ever counted on one was a family of five. They were everywhere…
My Dad has a point though – in Asian countries, everybody tends to drive a lot slower and tend to be more adept at weaving, dodging and otherwise adapting to traffic situations. Drivers in Australia drive like rigid speed demons in comparison – I remember coming back here and having issues with being in a car, because I thought constantly that we were going to crash and that we were going too fast.
Thanks about BatB! I think it’s on in a couple of weeks.. I am really gunning for Belle. It’s so not going to happen, but I can hope.
In Asia, (well, China), they’re a lot better at a number of things – sensible driving, road courtesy, finding gaps where none exist, and, naturally, good-natured abuse.
Q, you obviously being a Vietnam traveller/resident at one point in your life, would you know what I mean when I talk about a “Hanoi Kiss”? If it is what I think it is, I managed to get a beauty down the side of my leg one day getting off a motorbike… and it was (argh) straight off to ride a bicycle the next day!
Yeah, I guess Australian biker culture is a bit different – well, why not go the whole hog, and get some pretty pink tatts? 🙂
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! A friend of mine was in his uni production of BatB last year and he enjoyed it heaps. 😀
That’s awesome. I think we are just a big clump of here and there, and that nothing about anyone can be entirely linear or coherent.
Oh – and you’re working at City Myer? I don’t know why, but I assumed you’d be working at Geelong! I work in Menswear, so come and find me whenever you’re there. I think we actually have already met – do you remember all the way back to the O-Week Transition Day thingo? We were on the same team for the quiz and won megabucks of book vouchers. And if my memory serves me correctly, we had a discussion afterwards about Bjork and similarly cool musicians.
Then again, you may not be that person at all, I’m going by what Leander said. We all know what she’s like! (Haha will this get moderated?)
Yes, City Myer! Tomorrow is my first day and I am deathly scared… I managed to leave all makeup in Geelong, which is just peachy. I’ll look like a bad-skinned ghost for my first day..
And yes, that was me at the quiz thing! I remember you and how cool I thought you were.. gosh, that trivia was stressful! The disagreements about correct answers, but we rocked.
Don’t worry – Rick has already ‘sighted’ me in a tute that I have never attended. But I can verify your sighting of the rare Johanna-beast!
i wish I could meet you one day.
U are a strong person and have a great kind heart.
as a spoiled chiild, i really admired ur strength, doing so many different things!!
just hope u dont work too hard for ur health, 🙂