Number 12 – Procrastinating (Georgie)

Q – You know what? I was slightly jealous of myself, I couldn’t believe my luck, exams over by the end of swotvac! But now, my extreme aptitude for procrastination has forced my three essays to all be last minute ones, and I’m not liking my position at the moment.
Exams vs. Essays – anyone care to weigh in?

Things I have been doing instead of writing essays:
deciding what subject will replace spanish next semester (quite a task as there are about 3 billion arts subjects)
downloading tv shows onto my Zen (mp3 player – I just worked out how to do it, even though I’ve had it for a year)
watching said tv shows in bed before I get up in the morning. Scrubs, That 70s Show, One Tree Hill and Gilmore Girls at the moment
making plans to study
writing this blog
cleaning, which incidentally means that for once in my life my study and room are clean

Arggghhhhh! I need to write!!!!!

Good luck to all and to all a good night.

3 thoughts on “Number 12 – Procrastinating (Georgie)

  1. I have 2 exams and 2 essays – a nice balance, I suppose. At the moment I’ve enjoyed writing my essays better than studying for my exams. Cramming all the science content into my head hasn’t been the greatest way to spend a week.

    I think in the Exams vs. Essays debate, sitting in bed and watching TV wins every time. Good luck, and happy writing!

  2. OMG I am envious of people who have essays instead of exams. I have 5 exams and they are all in the first week! It’s crazy and to make matters worse, I have totally wasted swotvac. I don’t think I have ever been this ill prepared for exams.

    Essays over exams for me anyday of the week.

  3. Exams test breadth. Essays test depth.

    The good thing about exams is that if you have a rough idea about the key takeaways from a course and know how to apply the relevant formulas/rules/ideas then you can get away (most of the time) with a couple of days’ ‘selective intelligent cramming’ at the last minute. Essays are better when you’re passionate about the content and can convey it eloquently. If it were something I weren’t terribly fond of (Accounting) exams would be my choice because they’re over and done with in a couple of hours, but I’d definitely take the essay if it were something I was passionate about and understood in depth.

    At risk of making a massive generalisation, it seems like exams fit better with left/logic minded people and essays with right/abstract. Something to ponder.

    Happy Writing!


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