Things to do before I leave (Suzanne)

1. Smuggle coffee, Nutella, and vitamin pills out of the country. They’re much cheaper here than in Hong Kong, and HK has no quarantine laws unless you’re bringing in morphine or bioweapons.

2. Measure bed + quilt, to buy new bedsheets back home.

3. Borrow and listen to CDs from music library, borrow/read books — library at home somewhat lacking in music and fiction in English.

4. Sit PPL exam on 19th. (Yes, I do in fact plan to study for it; this is the law subject I actually get and I’d rather not muck it up.)

5. Confirm plane tickets.

6. Shove contents of room into storage.

7. Pay off phone, internet, printing debt to college.

8. Book taxi beforehand.

9. Pack.

3 thoughts on “Things to do before I leave (Suzanne)

  1. are you ready for PPL? i have no time to prepare for anything other than the bill of rights question and the mabo decision.

  2. are you ready for PPL? i’ve left two days for exam revision – bill of rights and mabo decision will be the only areas i’ll prepare for. hopefully i’m in luck.

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