Facebook (Georgie)

So I just joined Facebook, anybody got any idea what it is? Or what it does?
Perhaps I should have had an idea of what it was before I signed up, but I got an e-mail and just said yes. Mmmm….

2 thoughts on “Facebook (Georgie)

  1. I tell people that Facebook is for Myspace snobs!

    Basically, Facebook is Myspace without:
    1. The half naked pics of insecure young females;
    2. Emos everywhere you look.
    3. Dirty men messaging you.
    4. False images of reality/people pretending to be something they are not.
    5. Randoms

    Facebook is about connecting real people who you know in real life and who lead real lives. Plus most profiles are private…so it is a lot more exclusive.

    If you have a Myspace, delete it NOW! 😉

  2. I have both myspace AND facebook and personally thing that myspace is far superior. The only main differences are:
    Myspace- you can personalise your page, you can read and see photos of and about people you dont know.
    Facebook- you can see EXACTLY what all of your friends have been doing at all times, you cant be seen by nor see people who you’re not friends with

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