Essay Frustration (Georgie)

I’m so close to the finish line I can almost taste it! But alas, one essay to go, which turns out to be the one I’m having the most difficulty with.

It’s frustrating because I really enjoyed the subject (China Since Mao), but it has a different structure to all the other ones I’ve done. For example, the lecturer gives us a list of books we can use forr research but we are STRONGLY advised not to use any other sources. So no internet (gasp!), no other books or journal articles. In some ways this is good because it narrows down the reading we have to do, but unfortunately just about all the books are out of the Baillieu! I managed to get one on Wednesday and am now in the process of begging Monash friends to let me use their cards to borrow out books from Clayton. Does anyone know if we have an inter-uni borrowing system?

So I’m all ready to start researching and writing and I’ve set aside the time but can’t get my hangs on anything.

On another note, Arrested Development is an awesome show!

5 thoughts on “Essay Frustration (Georgie)

  1. I know there is definitely an inter-library loans card you can get from, I think the main desk of the Baillieu, if not they can tell you where to go. I’m almost certain it’s somewhere on the first floor though. gives more information. might also prove to be helpful since it links to other libraries and a search engine that can search the catalogue of other libraries. (I wonder if this works better if used from the University libraries?)

    Good luck!

  2. Inter-uni borrowing:
    Go to the desk thingy in Balieu, the main borrowing one in front of the reserve section.
    Ask for a CAVAL card, if I remember correctly, you need your student ID card.
    Anyway, that lets you borrow from RMIT, Monash, and all the other Vic unis as far as I’m aware.

  3. YES! Arrested Development is a great show. I kept hearing about it and finally gave it a go. I wasnt hooked after the first episode but now Im really into it. The characters are hilarious and the plot is very clever and funny. Everything just seems to work well!

  4. When all else fails, try Google Books. If you’re lucky, you can even get a full preview of the books, or if not, the preview pages are sometimes just what you need.

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