Hullo, my name is Sebastian, and I’m a first year student studying Arts. Don’t ask me which subjects though, they will probably have changed by tomorrow; I’ve already altered 7 of the original 8 I chose in January (I think it was January… I don’t remember). Two of the most recent alterations haven’t even been approved yet… Anyway, presently I’m not in the most fecund of moods, so I shall proceed to write the mandatory biographical information. I arrived in Melbourne at roughly 6am on Monday the 10th of December 2007, wearing a tweed jacket and a dark green tie, both of which were completely unsuited to the climate (“inferno”). Before that I had been living in Inchture, a small village full of old people and trees near in city of Dundee in Scotland for 4.5 years. And prior to that I had been living in the Mediterranean coastal town of Altea in the province of Alicante in Spain for 3 years. And before that I lived in bland suburban Beenleigh near Brisbane for about 6 years. And before that I lived in deepest drunken Bavaria, near Nürnberg, where I was born. I have both Australian and British citizenships but I don’t feel Australian in the slightest. Although I do have a newly-discovered fondness for Carlton Draught since turning 18 in February. After that geographical account of my history I would now like to offer a more personal description of myself. My hobbies include playing the pianoforte, indulging in “classical” music (I call it “real” music), drinking tea like an addict, and using the serial/Oxford comma. Haha. I also have interests in the fields of: philosophy, psychology, anthropology, educationalism, futurism, politics, aestheticism, archaeology, geography, astronomy, poetry, literature, opera, drama, linguistics, self-development, anarcho-communism, mixology, travel, architecture, Mensa (of which I am a member, ho ho), neologisms, omnilingual puns, zen buddhism, the nature of polymaths, calligraphy, snuff, cigars, gourmet food, vegetarianism, automatic streams of income, the futures market, investments, the peerage of the United Kingdom, European aristocracy, Victorian Gothic buildings, and copious brain-vomiting. My aim for first year at Melbourne Uni is to get first class honours in every subject so I can get into the University of Oxford in 2009 and escape this demonic heat. I’m serious about that. I was going to write a sonnet about my orientation experience but it morphed into the poem I’m going to submit for Creative Writing, quite by accident. I would post it but WordPress is pathetic and can’t deal with basic formatting. This intro probably made me seem like a pretentious snob. Well, I am.
Why on earth doesn’t WordPress acknowledge my pedantic formatting and instead render my post as a painful lump of structureless misery? Please help. Reward: karma and a new friend.
Hi, Sebastian.
I dig your name. Oh, and your animal flesh non-eating, tweed-wearing and brain-vomiting.
(I don’t know anything about WordPress but we have like 48 additional things in common so I commented anyways)
Are you using HTML formatting markup?(I can’t tell if you are or not, so I’m testing out some tags now.)bold, italic, etc.
No, HTML is obviously not working in the comments, at least… Huh.
Now I’m using double-spaced paragraphs to see if that breaks up the text…
Here’s another paragraph…
But some HTML tags work: bold and italic, for instance.
Hey! I just flew down from Scotland too (Glasgow)! Though I’ve only spent 3 months there in the dead of winter. But yeah, welcome to Australia and don’t worry, not everywhere has crazy weather like Melbourne. Brisbane (where I’ve spent my last 10 yrs) has very nice weather. Lol, I arrived in Glasgow in December last year wearing a summer t-shirt and jeans suited for Australian summer and surprise, surprise, I caught a cold that lasted a whole week.
Don’t worry if you feel nothing is going according to plan right now. I had a similar experience when I first arrived in Melbourne a month ago. Just take it one task at a time and eventually things will be fine.
Good luck with uni this year!
P.S. Uh, you could always be like me, a computer idiot, and just use the visual mode instead of the code tab for your formatting. It’s a lot more easier.
If you click the ‘code’ tab when you write your entries you can directly input HTML, except with the added bonus that it automatically recognises line breaks. The ‘visual’ tab is really a bit of a pain to use, but it should be at least recognising bold, quote, and line break.
What course/college at Oxford?
Cool, a bunch of comments to distract me from this insanely sweaty weather. I’m listening to 40s Jazz and that combined with the heat + construction noise outside yields a very.. um… “summer in the city” vibe.
jaclyn: I dig my name too. But my surname (Mitchell) is boring. I want a cool surname like “Grosvenor” or “de Fontaine”. and a title like “3rd Earl of Belvedere, Viscount Amberley” would be cool too. Meh.
steven: I tried using html tags but WordPress was like “Hahaha no.” 🙁 cheers anyway.
Yuan: Yay, Scotland! Was it snowing when you left? It was snowing as my plane took off. I was worried it wouldn’t get off the ground. But now I’d love some snow to cool me down. Thanks for your advice, I’ll take things easy :). and good luck to you too!
Suzanne: I’ll try both and see what happens. And I want to do Archaeology and Anthropology, preferably at Magdalen.
I’m just leaving a comment because I feel left out. Would love to meet you Sebastian. Perhaps you can give me some study tips and teach me how to use incrediably difficult words?
Nice to read your post Sebastian! You have some fantastic interests and have led a very interesting life to date from the sound of it!!!
Do you have any online blog reccomendations for reading about Futurism…it is something I am interested in but don’t really read much on.
It’s nice to know someone who also loves Victorian Gothic Buildings!!!!!!
I would love to go to Oxford to study….maybe postgrad at some point. Best of luck with what you plan to acheive. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences at Melbourne.
Hey there, my name is Khwezi Nkwintya,I am from Rhodes University in South Africa.The name of my is We are busy trying to interact with people whose blogs are similar to ours. I loved reading your blog because it refelects the kind of attitude first year students arrive with at varsity but lose the plot in the course of the year. I dont know about you but as a first year student I think we are faced with many challenges such as adapting to the new environment etc. I like the way you are certain about what you want to come out with from University.