
Ah the dreaded introduction. How tiresome. But I guess it’s also fitting given that’s it’s Oweek and this must be my 1008299208612631546741871367812th introduction so far – so I guess I must be getting good at it.

My name is Level 12 (seriously, my parents were so cruel) and I am (surprise surprise) a first year/ fresher/ Jaffy/ what have you. Course wise I’m doing Arts, but considering that ‘Arts’ can mean anything from Ancient Studies to Swedish I’ll be a little clearer. I’m hoping to major in French and I’m your textbook Arts student, loving anything pretentious – Creative Writing, music, Homer to Hollywood, Theatre Studies, etc.

But such talk is… well, incredibly boring – particularly after this week. I mean you ask everyone what they’re doing and let’s face it: unless they’re doing the same thing as you – you don’t really care.

Don’t give me that look, it’s so true.

I can’t tell you how many life plans I’ve heard this week about such-and-such’s plan to help people/heal puppies/ cure cancer/ earn ridiculous amounts of money… (although, I would respect the last one because no one EVER admits that but I’m sure it must have crossed their minds, I mean at least ONCE, surely).

Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to have a goal, you just have to make sure it’s YOUR goal, not what your parents or school or even sometimes yourself is trying to force you into doing. You need to do what you want and I learnt that the hard way, the hard way being enrolled in a nursing course, hating it and dropping out and then having to go through the whole VTAC debacle a SECOND time which was, believe me, a nightmare. But, nightmare over and I’m enjoying the prospect of getting back into it having worked full time most of last year.

What else…

Oh Yes! I also live on campus too in one of the older colleges which I’m going to name ‘Canterbury’ merely because the time may come when I wish to maybe talk about it and two reasons not to name it come to mind:

  1. It’s where I live and I’m not a fan of broadcasting said fact (my room’s tiny enough as it is without visitors).
  2. Being a person prone to the occasional tantrum (I’ll admit it, I’m not ashamed) I may wish to go on a rant at some point and I don’t want the Dean on my back (crusty old Dean! *shakes fist*).

So I’m out of home, but I do have a little bit of an advantage in that I know most of the awful, awful human beings from the SSS (Science Students Society – join it, but avoid the corruptive forces of evil that dwell within it) and doing all of the Uni things just isn’t as freaky when you’ve been through it once, even if it was just prelim stuff.

As I’ll probably do a secondary ‘Oweek reflections’ (or insert ‘other obvious title’, depending on my mood) post after this I’ll TRY to keep this about me for now. And I think there are some facts that will probably help us get to know each other and they’re things I wish I could have used to introduce myself and break the ice other than “I do Arts” and “Yeah, it IS getting hot!”

  1. I have a tendency towards the sarcastic and the dramatic – my mother would tell you “that’s the lowest form of humor”, and maybe that’s why I love it so. Regardless, if you read something and it makes absolutely no sense, read it again with a sarcastic voice – might help.
  2. Sometimes things I say WILL make absolutely no sense. Don’t worry; I’m the crazy one, not you.
  3. I am the obscure reference GOD, so expect to look up on wiki a lot.
  4. I am nocturnal and hence get bored quite a lot while my friends sleep, so as a result you may note odd post times for blogs. It’s just what I do.
  5. I love polls. Answer them! Answer them! The ones I post don’t require any info and no one knows who selected what, so just vote!

Alright. Enough. Now vote, VOTE MY PRETTIES! Eeeeeeeehehehehehe!

Oweek poll

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