Only one week 'til easter! (Natty)

I’m feeling skittish… I’ve just written the first drafts of three poems and feel like I’m in the creative writing twilight zone or something. La la la. I love it when you can just sit down and write for a couple of hours and everything just sort of comes in an easy stream of imagination. Fantastic!

I’ve been feeling really fed up the past few days because my cold got worse and I just sort of felt miserable. Anyway, in being all pathetic and sorry for myself I missed all of tuesday at uni which in turn made me feel worse because I missed lectures and blah blah blah. I was genuinely ill so I don’t mind that I didn’t go in but then I spent all of today panicking about the work I missed. Anywho thanks to that amazing online thingy called lectopia I’ve now listened to some of the lectures I missed so I’m feeling a little better about it. Woo hoo go time management!

It’s nearly the Easter hols, I can’t believe it! How are we already half way through week 5? Does anyone else feel like time has flown by whilst a comparatively small amount has been devoted to study? :s I think I’m on track.. It’s hard to tell sometimes, how much work do you other arts students do in a week? I probably do about 2 or 3 hours a day on top of lectures but that’s not nearly enough according to the readers etc. Ooops.. maybe I should plan how I’m going to catch up over easter. Equally does anyone have any crazy plans involving weird and spontaneous road trips to far away places? Oh wait, they couldn’t exactly be spontaneous and planned, and ‘roadtrip’ suggests only so far away but you get my point.

A highly stimulating and intellectual post from me as usual… I will try to channel some of my creative writing energy into my blog next time to keep you all entertained.

Love Natty x

One thought on “Only one week 'til easter! (Natty)

  1. I don’t know if there’s really a set amount of time we should be spending studying. I mean, if you’ve nailed it, there’s no point in making sure you’ve really truly nailed it for another two hours just so you can fulfil your quota. Likewise, it took me an inordinate amount of time to write a French essay recently, even though I essentially knew what I wanted to write, and had some idea of how to attack it. I’m sure you’re doing fine… and the roadtrip sounds great!

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