wednesday night

if you weren’t lucky enough to see the singing ‘Melbourne Model’ students hand out flyers for the second season of their show a few weeks ago – you missed out.

Having said that, a few of my friends and i were just a tad exited about the prospect of a musical devoted solely to the educational institution in which we now form part of (okay, i lie. we just really respected the balls of these students singing in north lawn), we decided to go along. It was seriously one of the best wednesday nights i’ve had in a while. The cast was amazing, the lyrics were so clever and the set was fantastic. This sounds like such a free plug (promise: i’m in no way affiliated with the musical!), but i’m just really impressed with what came out of it. I don’t wanna give – much away, so i wont – but if you’ve got spare time either tomorrow or saturday, go along – its really good. And bring your friends, ha, trust me…many jokes will be made throughout the evening and i’m sure you’ll end up like us, sitting in a corner of the uni bar at 10pm laughing hysterically while drinking a pot of crap beer (thats my general opinion anyway…beer-yuck!).


In other news: one more week of school left. i never thought this mid-point would come *dances*.

Who went along to the study abroad/exchange expo today? it sounds fantastic ! who else wants to study overseas at some point?

– Nik       =]

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