Vegetable extravaganza (Natty)

Thank god daylight saving. I am sat up waiting for my mum to ring from the UK and this daylight saving whatsit makes it a bit more manageable in terms of having to get out of bed in the morning. The UK is now only 9 hours behind… actually, that means it’s 2pm over there… so where exactly is my mum? Probably out cavorting around the shops with Ian and Chippy (our dog, not an unfortunately named sibling) or something. Meanwhile her only daughter sits in the dark with just a candle to…. haha I’m joking, but seriously it’s just rude not to have called by now ;P

Haha I’m in the most fantastic mood! I went to the Queen Vic market today and got – get this, you will be shocked and delighted- :

  • Strawberries
  • 5 potatoes
  • A pear
  • 3 Bananas
  • An onion

ALL FOR $3.50!!! I’m sure they undercharged me… But oh well. I am over the moon Jim! Haha, it says something about my social life that the highlight of my day is relating the cost (albeit a mega bargain) of my shopping on a blog whilst waiting by the phone… for my mother. Oh well, my 5 a day is going to sky rocket this week… I feel thinner and more energised already. I also got some hot cross buns ($6 for 6) which were delicious and have resulted in me singing ‘hot cross buns, hot cross buns, one a penny two a penny hot cross buns’ all day. Ok so they weren’t one a penny, even the QVM (ooh QVM get me with the abbreviation know-how) isn’t that good.

Anyway I am going now to mourn the (now) lack of hot cross buns in my fridge and seek out some strawberries.

Love Natty x x

One thought on “Vegetable extravaganza (Natty)

  1. Have you tried the jam donuts at QVM?

    I totally missed out on a free hour of sleep. Had no idea daylight savings was over. I never thought I would ever miss it in my life.

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