Uh-Oh [ASH]

When we were first told of the rules of writing on the blog, one was that ‘you can have a b***h/rant about anything that you want’ (not directly quoting of course).

At first (as uni was going s’well) I thought, “What would I have to complain about?”

Now its like, “What isn’t there to complain about?”

In all honesty, uni is great, loving the hours, but for some reason the work isn’t getting as high marks as I would ideally hope for.

Oh well, if you’re in the same boat getting maybe less than average for work that you’re trying really hard in, shout out! Then the rest of those who don’t shout out but are feeling really girly and emotional about it can feel a little better about themselves (me included. ha)

Take it on the chin, and move on, and do better eh?

Good News Week is quite funny, watched it on Channel Ten before.


2 thoughts on “Uh-Oh [ASH]

  1. The thing is I always take it on the chin and move on…but I never do better next time. I am two and a bit years in and it’s still mediocre. But that’s probably because I don’t try hard enough.

    Good to see first years suffering a little. You are all so enthusiastic. It’s a good thing though. Just wish i could somehow steal it from you kids and keep it for myself.

  2. I haven’t got any marks back yet…but I am pretty sure I’ll feel the same as you soon enough. Hell, I could be failing and I’d have no idea.

    My thoughts are that we’re first years and all we have to do is pass. You have plenty of time to become a brilliant scholar over time.

    (Except, all my science friends keep getting 90-100% in things, which terrifies me!)

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