Perrrsil small an migh'y (Natty)

It’snd of the Easter holidays (nearly) and I cannot wait to get the term started again! Sorry to anyone who’s feeling fed up about having to go back to lectures and stuff… I’ve had a good holiday but living on your own gets BORING when you haven’t got a structured day to keep you occupied. Even if you go out in the evenings that’s still about 14 hours of the day with not all that much to do. So yeah, I’m excited about Monday 🙂

I’ve learnt this Easter how important your own culture is to you. Australian culture is really similar to English culture but there are little things which I notice here and there which make my culture alarm go off. Typically now that I’ve actually sat down to write this post I can’t remember the example I was going to give. Never mind. There are lots of things about Australian culture which I like a lot better than the English equivalent but equally there are a few things which are going to take some getting used to. Our culture is SO ingrained in our personality as well. For example (and this is isn’t the example I wanted before lol) I was with a friend the other day and don’t ask me why, but for some reason I started reciting the ‘persil small and mighty’ advert. It goes like this:

Little girl with crazy weird English farmers accent: “becoz perrrsil small an migh’y is concentrateeed it takess haaaalf the lorries te deliverr it, haaaalf the recyclin an uses haaalf as much wa-ter. Perrrsil small and migh’y, becoz evry child has the righ’ to a brigh’er futurrrre.”

or something like that… It’s hard to convey the accent, if anyone would like a demonstration in person…. lol. But yeah, back to the point. She just looked at me, understandably, like I was the most insane person on this side of the southern hemisphere. It was weird because it’s a big in joke with my friends at home and anyone would pick up on the reference straight away but here it’s totally alien. Which is cool but really threw me for a minute.

So there we go, my Easter learning comes down to realising the differences in washing detergent advertising strategies. Oh and how to operate a treadmill – I have been a total gym fanatic the past couple of days!

Hope everyone else enjoyed their break! See you all soon 🙂

Love Natty

3 thoughts on “Perrrsil small an migh'y (Natty)

  1. No, I think you conveyed the accent very well. Actually it propelled me to search for the commercial on Youtube.

  2. what Vegemite commercials?
    hey, how about that Big Pond commercial with the ‘too-many-rabbits-in-China’ bloke?

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