Yo! {Daniel}

I’m dead.

Well not completely but I will be, come this Monday. Either from not handing in my assessment pieces orĀ  from having completed them.

It’s not that I have a lot, or that they’re really hard, just this week I’m kinda really really busy. Well by week I mean today, tomorrow, the weekend then finally Monday.

Hopefully it’ll all work out. Luckily I’m too exhausted from work (nothing too exciting, you need prosciutto cut I’m your man) to worry too much. Everything’s done just not refined/completely complete.

Anyhow in the place of finishing assesment off, I have! Karaoke, which may or may not be heinously expensive and a friends 18th (Straight after work), then a slow but steady road home (whilst metaphourically being my road to normality). But that’s all pish posh (ha funny colloquiol slang) I’ve got bigger things to talk about. SUCH AS!

BOOKS! There are heaps of sales (well two) on at Melbourne Uni, for books, one’s from the Bookshop (NEW but somewhat un-hot stuff, thus the sale $5-18 range, it did have a bunch of Terry Pratchet books and Hemingway) and the other is from my very close friend the Rowden Library (old mostly forgottern books my favorite is the fact that it has not one but 5 copies of the Day of the Triffids and other strange but unloved books $2 per book). I bought books from both in an attempt at celebrating (cheaply) my return to finace (I had money in my pocket to burn).

AND! … I can’t think of anything else besides a verification that my intention to travel by bike on Tuesdays is a nice moral boost but not much of a routine… Wah. On the other hand work again, which is fun. . .

Ok yawning loudly now. I think it’s time for a change of scenery, enjoy my bi-weekly post!


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