Baa! (Peech)

I’ve got a few half-started posts for this which went absolutely nowhere! So I haven’t written in a while. I wish I could say that I’ve been devoting the time I would have spent blogging on super-useful stuff like exam study, but I feel itchy sometimes when I lie. *scratchscratch*

My head hurts from peering down microscopes. Our histology lecturer has a standing challenge that if anyone can find a basophil (type of rare white blood cell) in a film of sheep’s blood, she’ll shout us a bottle of champagne. Of course, this meant that we spent our blood prac scanning slides for basophils instead of answering the questions… If I never have to do blood slides ever again (unlikely) I would be so grateful. Those damn pink cells keep floating around my sleep at night. It was heaps of fun mounting the slides and peering at the pretty pictures (the fact that everything stains pink can’t be just a coincidence!), but if I try and relate all the stuff I see to living bodies, my head almost explodes. There’s way too much stuff going on inside of us to visualize it simultaneously (or my imagination just isn’t very good).

On a brighter note, I never knew that peer pressure could be such an amazing thing. I have two assignments completed 3-4 weeks before the due date, just because, ‘well, other people are doing theirs, so I should probably be working too.’ I like to think that if all of my friends started doing drugs and having rabid relations with furries, I would decline. But now that I’ve seen how easy it was to fall into step and start doing drastic things like handing in homework early, I have to wonder… maybe I am just a sheep after all.

*staring, fluffy and goggly-eyed*

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