
It’s really not funny to have forgotten your password not once, not twice, but 6 times on a blogging website. No fun at all… no siree.

So life at uni so far….

Pretty good, a bit crazy with assignments flying in from all directions (that was today) but after this week I’ll be all calm and relaxed. Just enough to freak out about exams. Truthfully though everything feels good, just a tad rushed with something like work, uni, house crisi, movie, karaoke happening everyday.

I don’t think I’ve done half the things I wanted to do at uni. Luckily we’ve still got 2 years (well in my case 3 more, moving onto 4 with another diploma if I’m lucky and then honours).


Hmm just had diner and am looking forward, very much so, to sleeping.

More to follow!

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