And now for something completely different…

It’s incredible how things change so quickly. Three months ago, an ideal day would have been spent in relaxation, recovery, a state of blissful nothingness (a word?). Now every day that goes by which is untroubled by productive activity – which is all of them – feels like, for lack of a better term, a day wasted. Only last year I perceived myself as an enormous fish in a miniscule pond, occupied by over 800 teenage males. Now I sleep in the smallest room of a North-facing corridor occupied predominantly by the opposite gender. And having once lived in a city plagued by competing codes of rugby, I now find myself at the home of the football my parents have indoctrinated me to follow from a young age.

To be honest, my struggle will be finding consistency. I feel the only thing I am carrying on from my past life is a passion for linguistics. I hope my blogging will inform and encourage those others who too are experiencing or anticipating adapting to a new environment, as well as function as an intriguing medium for my own journey.

My name is Andrew, I’m studying French and beginners Spanish in the new generation BA. I love sport, socialising and clear communication. Please feel more than at liberty to leave responses – don’t leave me hanging here, cyberspace can feel lonelier than a college dorm during semester break.

2 thoughts on “And now for something completely different…

  1. You get 10 points just for the Monty Python reference. Good luck with your adaptation; I never thought I’d be a minority in that I still live at home and commute into uni every day, but it seems most of us bloggers are living at a college!

  2. how cool would it be to stay in college! (no argument allowed)
    I applied to the college before but couldn’t afford it even with the financial aid package. so i doubt whether my sharing apartment is any bigger than your room :’)
    i always admire people with passion about linguistics. i myself am not talented at this field, but I love to write randomly and explore the world through words. there will be changes in our lives right now, but i really hope that you’ll still keep ur passion. best luck from me for that :’)

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