O-week in The Bubble.

I’ve been feeling immensely guilty all week for not having written up a blog yet. This week was officially the most hectic of my life. College O-week is pure insanity, its starting a day at 7 am and not having time to THINK (let alone write a blog) until midnight. But I’ve had a blast this week and just feel so lucky to be at college. My uni o-week experiences so far have consisted of me attending a (rather pointless) Media and Comm lecture that went for about half an hour. I’m beginning to have serious concerns that I will be forever trapped in the college ‘bubble’, but for now I think that’s definitely a problem I can live with.

To all those future uni students/boarders out there, here’s some possible new information: College is NOT, I repeat, NOT A THING like living in a boarding house. There quite literally are no rules. You’re treated like an adult, an adult who gets to live with a group of pretty cool, confident and friendly people.

This morning I’m finally feeling like I’ve recovered from Thursday night’s end of o-week celebrations and am officially feeling guilty about all the food/alcohol that’s been consumed thus far. There’s another party on tonight (celebrating the return of 2nd/3rd years….. shit, more names to learn!) and I feel I really must learn to control myself around cheap/free alcohol and avoid the temptations of 3 am runs to the kebab place down the road.

Looking forward to blogging about my lectures/tutes next week. I am, underneath it all, a massive lover of learning and educating myself (a.k.a. I’m a nerd) so I can’t wait for it all to really begin!

2 thoughts on “O-week in The Bubble.

  1. If loving to learn makes you a nerd, then be a nerd and be proud of it! I have had many conversations with friends about all the awesome subjects in the handbook and how we would love to learn everything! (almost… I think I can pass on some of the history subjects, and chem – not my forte)

    I, too, am looking forward to week 1. I hope I survive!

  2. Never control yourself around free things. Never. =D
    Week 1 should be fun, bit of a crash course in finding all the right buildings and rooms in a small amount of time.
    @jinghan – *hug* another person who doesn’t love chem! thank god! most people i’ve spoken to about chem have been all “chem? it’s RREEEEAAALLY interesting” which makes me want to cry, pretty much… I’m sure it’s interesting BUT I DON’T GET IT.

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