Euphoria (and another dimension).

Week 3 ends, my friends. Week 3 has been full of crazy weather, science practicals, doppelgangers and disapointing potato cakes. Week 3 is over, and it went a little quicker than I thought it would. Week 3, and I’m finally realising that yes, I can live like this for at least another 3 years. Weeeeeeek 3.

I’m feeling kinda happy. Kinda satisfied. I’m not really sure why, but I’m very calm. Perhaps it is that I am understanding calculus even though I’ve missed a 2 outta 3 lectures this week. Or maybe it’s because I find myself nearly up to date with my homework and assignments. Either way, leaving the lecture theatre this afternoon (calculus until 5:15 on a Friday arvo. Normally I’d complain but I don’t feel so inclined!) I was in a floaty kinda mood. Like, vaguely smiling to myself, taking the long way, running my fingers along fences. Not even a little phased by the drunk guy getting a little too close on the tram home, nor the guy sniffing paint. Just… Happy.

It’s not like the week started well for me; my boyfriend was over for the weekend, and I was ecstatic to see him after about a month, and traumatised that I wouldn’t see him for another month to the point of *actually* crying on the tram and halfway into my first morning lecture on Monday. I don’t normally cry over… Well. Anything. But I was probably just stressed. Maybe.

I also had both Chem and Biol pracs this week, and I forgot to do the necessary pre-lab (a compulsory online thingy, depending on the subject you might not be allowed to do the prac if they’re incomplete) until I remembered around 1 in the morning. BOTH TIMES. Yuck.

Oh yeah, I totally have a thing for potato cakes. I don’t know why. They’re cheap and good. There are no delicious potato cakes in the Union hall. WHYYYYYYYY?!

Wednesday-from-hell (my 8-hour day) was giving me a headache, so I wussed out and went home after 5 hours. Maybe next week, Wednesday. Maybe next week…

It could be just that I’ve found a routine now, and that I know my way around campus without having to think too hard about it. Maybe it was a Friday afternoon buzz – but I doubt it, I never get that since I’m one of those not-very-interesting people who prefer to stay home on the weekend. ^_^

This will probably sound naive, but I think I’m beginning to genuinely love the Uni, the work, my friends, the campus.

…  Well. It’s either that or someone has drugged me.

PS. contemplate the existence of a fourth dimension for a while. IT’S CRAZY. =D

Youtube: Carl Sagan explains the fourth dimension, using an apple.

3 thoughts on “Euphoria (and another dimension).

  1. Consider my mind blown. What a mess.

    Meanwhile, lol at that site.

    Related links: How to kiss like Angelina Jolie, Video Included!

  2. Now three doesn’t sound like a word anymore! …and I’d prefer to think someone drugged you! Kidding, I love uni too! 😀

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