Triumphant Return (Cara)

Good evening, good evening. Yes, so good to see you. It’s been too long. Mh-hm. Oh yes.

Okay, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, it’s apology-time. I know it’s been ages since I last posted, and all three of my real-life readers have complained, so here I am. I put off writing for a while when I was really ill, because my posts would have read something along the lines of:

“Today I slept for 15 hours, went to the doctor, missed three lectures and wallowed in self-pity. The end”

No-one needs to read half a dozen of those posts. But rest assured, my  lungs appear to have stopped trying to kill me, and I live to fight another day. Recovery in time for exams. Wicked.

Here’s a special present for y’all – the best thing I’ve found in my several months of being a Psych student.

Be good, you.

One thought on “Triumphant Return (Cara)

  1. I’m glad you’re feeling better. You should eat muffins…Or coco pops. They make you feel super good. Did you buy any of that Curiously Cinnamon cereal when you went back home?

    wishes of wellness – x

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