Embracing me some nightmare.
Tomorrow is the last day of University for the year.
Which means, if I pass my exams in two weeks, I will have completed a year of University. What a strange thought…
Although, given that I did only start properly studying today, maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up too much. Chemistry sucks like that.
I am wondering, at the moment, whether or not I’ve passed the practical component of Genetics and Chemistry this semester. I can’t seem to find a way to find out. I know I’ve been doing very poorly in them, dragging myself along half-dead in the morning, rarely asking for help (because when I do ask for help, it’s a dumb question and the tutors treat me with disdain accordingly, SIGH) and barely paying attention to the content or the compulsory preparatory materials. Genetics I’ve probably passed. Chemistry… Well. I’ve seen my results. And they’re not pretty. But then, my tutor for Chemistry was not the easiest to understand. Or the easiest to get assistance from. Or the easiest to get information from, such as – what do I need to include in this report? What are you marking us on? Should I do this this way? Why are you over there flirting with that guy when I’m getting acid everywhere? – and so on.
Meanwhile. Having started exam prep today – ohshitohshitohshitohshitIHAVESOMUCHTOLEARN – I can honestly tell you that even with only three subjects to worry about, I have plenty to worry about. Thus I am writing a blog about that.
… Bored of talking about subjects. Here are some complaints!
Now! Anyone remember that crush I had on that Douchebag? Oh loyal and attentive readers, of course you do! I referred to him as The Bastard, probably. I’ll have to check back… Ah, who cares. Anyway, he’s off in Thailand with two of my best friends, one of whom being the object of his affections (who may or may not return the sentiment but who knows! The chances are good, apparently…) They’ve all left me here on my lonesome to study my brains out, while they all go eat Thai food, go snorkeling, shop epically and do god-knows what else I REFUSE TO THINK ABOUT IT, BAH.
Found out the other day that Virgin have stuffed up my bill again, I’ve rang up and they have a perfectly wanky explanation which says it is my fault because I changed my plan halfway through the month, but just under $500 IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL FOR ME. I don’t get that much from Centrelink in two weeks fergodsake. And it’s all The Bastard’s fault. Talking to me every-bloody-night. Should have just let me be. But I am an idiot. And he is a jerk.
Prooooobably shouldn’t have let him seduce me… I wish he wouldn’t lead me on. I feel used.
On the other hand, I feel like such a good person for not getting in the way of the relationship he plans to have with my friend. Even though he’s being a damn fool about it – possibly following her to freaking Western Australia next year if he has to. Hooray. At least he’ll be gone.
Oh well. This is a good time in my life to be making dumb mistakes. It’s appropriate. Some consolation, huh!
For the good news, I am once again on good terms with my ex. He seems to be in a much better way. It’s a good thing.
Embrace the nightmare, children.
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