School's Out
The way in which change occurs so gradually is one which remains a constant source of stimulation. It feels like just yesterday that a new life was starting, in a new city, a new educational experience, new social circumstances. My final years of high school seemed to pass so slowly, and now university is just flying by. It feels like just yesterday that I was writing my first blog of the year, of the strange feeling of a lonely college dorm and an eerie north-facing room, yet this same dorm now has become one in which I struggle to find moments of peace and independence. The mystique of tertiary study has all but worn-off – the motivation aquired from a certain novelty factor now replaced with motivation acquired from a fear of being trapped in an arts degree forever.
Having just seen the new film ‘Social Networking’, I was reminded just how dominant Facebook has become in my life. I remember a time when it was still just another craze, similar to any other craze of popular culture. However it occurred to me that I have probably checked my Facebook at least once a day for the last 18 months, and rely on it heavily to maintain relations with those in different cities, different countries, and share any kind of information or news cheapily and efficiently even with those whom I make direct contact with on a day-to-day basis. It really does appear that it has become another technological advancement that we rely on, in the same manner as a mobile phone, a camera or an MP3 player.
Writing about change is inevitably going to feel reduntant, and thanks to a certain American presidential campaign, clichéd, however such reflection is needed to appreciate why things are the way they are.
The Wombats – Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves) – the Wombats latest song , check it out.