It's Really Just the Beginning. (Candy)

*gets a little teary-eyed*

It feels so good to be back. 🙂

So, that little Blog-hiatus went long enough, I think. I’m not sure if it’s just false optimism fuelled by the end of semester, but I have suddenly been filled with this desire to actually attempt to be a tad more responsible.

Yeah, these past 12 weeks have really shown me just how much I’m lacking in the independence area – but I’m ready to take the plunge and BE AN INDEPENDENT YOUNG ADULT. Thumbs up all round.

So anyway. This week is the FINAL WEEK OF SEMESTER ONE. Wow. It’s been kinda nice, all these final-tute-gatherings…counting down to Friday, when I plan to PARTAY…

…and then study for exams. Not that I’m complaining – considering as an Arts student I really have nothing to complain about. So I won’t. 😛

The 2 month break is going to be great – I’m going away to Cairns, and aside from that I’m just going to R-E-L-A-X as much as possible, whilst getting my head back in the uni game for Semester Two. I’m kinda-sorta feeling like this semester was just a practice run, and now that I know the ropes and feel fully at home here hopefully next semester will be a reflection of that newfound balance.

Two days left, my friends. Two days. I can hear the trumpets setting up, waiting to go off at just the right time.

This was just a quick little post – I’ll be trying to keep the updates coming over the holidays. See you soon. 🙂

One thought on “It's Really Just the Beginning. (Candy)

  1. Glad to hear your happy with your semester. Love that you are putting reflective writing into practice. Look me up when your in Cairns~ we can have beers ~:-)

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