Prosh Week and Nudie Runs

     Sitting the lecture theatre, I nibbled on a chocolate chip cookie and waited for my chemistry lecture to start when I looked up and saw a familiar face.
     “Bez!” I nearly sprayed crumbs all over her. “What are you doing here?”
     She jumped in the seat next to me and said, “Bio, duh.”
     I frowned and wondered if I made a mistake. I was sure chemistry was first, as it had been all semester. Did the lecture time change without me realising? It wasn’t impossible and it seemed like something I would miss.
     But Bez saw my confusion and also frowned. “Wait, what time is it?” She pulled out her phone and looked. She was actually one hour early for the bio lecture. “Oh, crap! No wonder people looked at me weird when I said I was leaving early for bio.”
     I cracked up laughing and she did too. That was actually the second time Bez has done something like that. Last time, I went to her psychology lecture. She discovered halfway through that it was some biology lecture about the gut. Yeah, we’re real smart. Melbourne uni and all 😉

     So while Bez worked on her biology assignment, I was scrawling sidenotes and drawing wonky arrows everywhere as the lecturer droned on about some old guy called Nerst who won the Nobel Prize and didn’t smile in the one existing picture of him. Currently, we’re learning about galvanic cells. It’s about electricity and ions—not exactly the most engaging topic but I was keeping up alright.
     All of a sudden, people in the back started mumbling and giggling and I looked up in extreme annoyance. I hated it when people talked in lectures. If they wanted to socialise, they could do it somewhere else.
     But they had a good reason to talk. On the other side of the lecture, a line of guys ran down the aisle and they were shirtless. At least, that’s what I thought until I saw a bouncing boob. Then I realised there were also girls.
     “Oh my God,” I whispered. The nudies ran down to the front of the theatre and I saw wobbling bums. Holy cow, they were pantless too.
     Bez’s face went bright red and she stuffed her face into her laptop. “Oh my God,” she mumbled and could not stop giggling.
     The nudies lined up at the front of the theatre and cheered, “YEAH!” before jogging out another exit.
     Bez let out a whimper and I went into hysterics. I was slightly sad they didn’t crash the biology lecture—maybe our lecturer would have started talking about reproduction or something equally suitable.

     I admit I was shocked by the nudie runners but I also have nothing but respect for them. It’s still winter and the morning was quite nippy. I’m surprised the girls didn’t freeze their boobies off…. I don’t even want to think about what the guys might have freezed off.

     It’s prosh week— and I’m looking forward to more surprises!

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