Sink or Swim. (Candy)

I won’t go on about how I failed at keeping regular Blog Entries last year. Because while that’s a much easier way of opening a post, it gets just a tad boring always spewing up the same thing.

But anyway. HAPPY 2012!!!!

It’s hard to believe a year has already gone by. But honestly, this past year has basically been me asking “what day is it?” EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I have lost all concept of time it’s not funny. Perhaps I should make that a New Year’s Resolution. Hmmmm.

My first year at uni was… well, it was interesting, to say the least. Full of twists and turns, new beginnings and panic attacks fuelled by all the bloody huge changes that constantly went on.

I tried extremely hard to keep my head above the water. But after enough ups and downs I think it’s safe to say I ended up drowning. And it should probably be labelled ‘suicide’, because I basically single-handedly sabotaged any good intentions I may have had – whether it be doing well academically or embracing uni life itself, I tried, I really did. But in the end did not succeed.


One positive trait I have discovered about myself is that no matter how near rock-bottom I reach, I always find a shred of hope deep within my gut. And I get going again.

So it doesn’t matter that the first year of uni was a bit of a bung experiment. What matters is that I’m ready for this year. And I feel optimistic enough for it to possibly (finally) be a success.


So I was all ‘I’m going into Commerce, yaddah yaddah’ and while that is still a huge possibility, I really want to give myself in Arts a second chance. So this semester I’m going to do what I was MEANT to do last year, and that is go down the Media/Comm route and see how I feel. Because writing will always be my main passion, and if that really is the career path I am meant to pursue, then I should at least try and focus my energies on that from the very beginning.

So there we go. Out of something destructive can blossom something beautiful. I’ve always believed this, and I feel this year could be a testament to that belief.



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