The long awaited break

I’m slow on the up keep but the break has finally started! Woo hoo! If you could see me now, I have whipped off my shirt and am swinging it above my head in the air.

When I reminisce on the past couple of weeks at Uni, I have only fond memories: the various camps, the Thursday night clubbing, new friends, hanging at the Aa tree, crepes during times when I should be in class, coffees at Lot 6…the list is endless. I couldn’t agree more with Adeshola, unlike Year 12 I actually look foward to heading back to Uni but for now – this is a well deserved break!

So on that note, HAPPY EASTER!
(I’ve discovered coloured text!)

(little snapshot of me at work with my coworker Nikki Noodles)

The break isn’t all fun and games though, unfortunately for me I still have an assignment due during the break! However, I will update you all on the two events that have passed and as always have made my Uni life that much better!

I  had the lovely opportunity of competing in the CSS Dodgeball competition this year! Sadly, photos have not been uploaded yet so I’ll have to wait till another day to show you some snapshots! But the day was filled with beer, sausages, funny costumes and lots of dodging and ball throwing. My team (Justice League) unfortunately did not make it to the Finals, or semi Finals – or even to Round 2, but still had a blast playing and holla to my makeshift team Super Mario!

I also had another chance to partake in another University camp! This time I was sped off to VSA (Vietnamese Student Association) camp, held at Lord Somers Camp site right along the beach! Once again my liver took a strong beating and my memory has only semi returned. I made lots of good friends on camp, including the lovely Tina who I don’t think will read this but she gets a mention anyway! Best thing on camp was meeting new people and also the food!

Here’s a little snap shot of me (obviously very sober)

In summary I had a lot of fun on camp, and cheers to VSA for a great first camp!

As Ben mentioned in his post, all the bloggers met up for a little rendezvous outside Ballieu Library. In summary: Ben is very talkative and Adeshola wears nice clothes. But it was great to finally meet everyone and I also welcome Emily to the blog family.

Anyway, that’s enough for me! I’ll post again once Uni starts, have a lovely break everyone and enjoy the Easter festivities!

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