Yet Another Method of Procrastination

So yes, as has been said a million times before (and will be said a million times again), exams (and therefore the work involved in being capable of decent results) are finally beginning to enter into that frustrating portion of my mind that recognises reality and my inability to avoid it. It’s becoming impossible to miss the phrases ‘and there will definitely be a question on this in the exam’ and ‘this should be obvious to you by now’ during lectures and amongst friends the new back-up conversation topics are how-many-assignments-we-all-have-due-in and I-honestly-think-this-is-more-work-than-year-12 and it-is-just-impossible-to-get-motivated!

Probably both the hardest and best part of university right there. This new independence? It’s great, it’s amazing, I love it, I’m having so much fun etc. etc. etc. but I just find it really hard to get up and study, especially if there’s nothing ‘compulsory’ to complete in less than a week, or in a few days, or by tomorrow. I’ve always considered myself a relatively well-motivated person but uni life is definitely testing me in this department. A couple of days ago, I really got my head together and decided I was going to start really getting into being more productive. I decided a study timetable would help with this. Then I spent about 2 hours creating it. It seems I had forgotten that colour-coding was a severe time-waster last year.

But now it’s done and I swear I will stick to it! 😀 (fingers crossed)…let’s see how that goes.

Well, the musical’s done with…and now I’ve signed myself up for another one 🙂 seems I’m becoming a theatre kid now which is odd for me…in school I was always the sporty girl. At the risk of being repetitive, getting involved in something like a musical when you start at uni is honestly the best way to get an awesome start. You may think you need the first semester just to get used to the new method of study and different environment than you’re used to, but I believe, when it comes to uni, the best thing to do is just jump in with both feet and take as many opportunities up as you can. Then, later on you can decide what you really enjoy and want to commit to. In O-Week I signed up for 9 clubs and societies:

The Book Club, Music Theatre Association, Community Development Club, Chocolate Lovers’ Club, Youth Society Charity, Arts Students’ Society, Science Students’ Society, the Choir, the Mountaineering Club…

HOWEVER, I haven’t been involved since in many of these clubs; The Book Club meetings were always at bad times, the Chocolate Lovers’ Club haven’t sent an email (NOOO! 🙁 I NEED FREE CHOCOLATE!!! ), I’ve been just plain selfishly lazy in regards to the two charitable clubs, the Arts and Science Societies’ gatherings I haven’t bothered with either and the Mountaineering Club…ditto. I went to Choir for the first few weeks of uni and I really liked it, but after I got involved with the musical I didn’t have the energy to stay at uni until 9:30pm three days in a row. The musical turned out to be right for me this semester and I am so glad I went for it, a definite highlight of uni life so far. 🙂

So to sum up:

1. EXAMS! eek!…yes, you still have them after year 12.

2. INDEPENDENCE: YES! It is an awesome thing!

MOTIVATION: Current level 43.5%, hoping for a major increase in the next two weeks.

3. SIGN UP FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!!!….and then ditch a few of them later on if you need time to breathe…and study (gasp!).

P.S. If you’re reading this line thank you for ploughing through all of the above. Or alternatively, if you just skipped down to this last line…I don’t blame you 😛

2 thoughts on “Yet Another Method of Procrastination

  1. I want to get involved with a musical, sounds really exciting!

    Hope everything has been well, study hard for exams and I’ll see you on the flip side! x

  2. Jessica, you definitely should get involved with one of the musicals! 🙂 It’s so much fun!

    Good luck for your exams too! 🙂

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