O Week aka Dear Jaffy, READ THIS! (Johanna – Mia)

Okay, so this isn’t so much a blog post as a friendly reminder:

Dear Jaffy,
Don’t forget to attend O-Week starting tomorrow! Or you will regret it. (insert evil laugh here – MWAHAHAHA).

Just kidding – if you really can’t make it, don’t stress! Yes, there’s a lot of info being given out, but nothing that can’t be learned through experience or reading through the university website (more boring than listening to someone rattle on, maybe, but hey). If you can make it though, GOOOOO! Seriously. It’ll be worth it.

So, the what, the where and the when (may not be entirely complete, sorry):

It’s the biggest day of orientation. It includes the Host Programme (don’t miss that!) where you can meet up with a couple of other JAFFY’s plus a more experienced student who will show you the campus and show you the ropes. Attend that session, people! As a Host myself, I can personally testify that we put a lot of thought and heart into this. 😀 <3

If you can’t find your host group, though, don’t fret! Feel free to join any other Host (we’ll be wearing purple UMSU shirts and some of us are gonna be in waaay outrageous costumes). Alternatively, head over to Union House and someone will get you in touch with a new Host shortly!

Tomorrow is also Carnival Day at South Lawn (that’s the place with the Clock Tower and huge green spaces, dearest Jaffy). Why should you go there, you ask? Freebies, freebies and more freebies. Oh, did I mention freebies? Plus, there’s a lot of stuff going on there that’s gonna be tonnes of fun (and information about university services and UMSU, of course), including a surprise at 1PM. (Even I don’t know what it is, so let’s all just be excited for that!)

Yo Science peeps! There’s gonna be a BBQ from 12 -2 at Building 1888, courtesy of the Science Student Society. Be there. Yup. Free BBQ, people.

That’s also your Academic Orientation day, and you really have to go to that one! It’ll be full of important information about your course and other important stuff that’s important, capiche?

You can also go attend the “What is UMSU?” session (it’s only for 30 minutes but you’ll get a lot of info on how to participate and make the most of uni). Plus, student society welcome lunches and another carnival (VCA carnival)! Weeee!

Clubs Day! Join a club, people. It’ll be fun. There are over 99 different clubs available each day!

Thursday also has a cinema night showing Guardians of the Galaxy, and Friday is gonna be tres fun at Luna Park!

That’s it. Have fun! 😀 And just be there.



One thought on “O Week aka Dear Jaffy, READ THIS! (Johanna – Mia)

  1. It was a fantastic O-week! Hope everyone made the most of it.

    ….and *deep breath* … Sem 1 Week 1 Day 1 – here we go!!!

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