Study Tips (Bella)

Hi all!

Well, SWOTVAC is upon us, and I have spent most of my day today studying for MBB (Mind, Brain and Behaviour). Since I am revising memory and how it works… I thought I would give you all some study tips for the upcoming exams!

  • Reorganisation

First of all, it has been proven that the more you engage with information, the more likely you are to remember it! Instead of rote-learning, try the following: making up a little song about the concept or using an acronym. Or if you find this a more painful experience than sitting the exam itself – I suggest just converting your paragraphs of information into a mind map, or a new table, or writing them in a ‘question and answer’ format rather than dot points of information. The whole point here is just to reorganise the information in a different way.

  • Association

Try and relate your new information to things you already know… or relate it to a scenario you make up.

  • Posters

Stick them up in places you are forced to look at them, and use lots of colour!

  • Use a variety of learning tools

You could alternate between typing notes, writing notes, listening to lectures again, watching PowerPoint Presentations.

  • The internet awaits

I highly recommend checking out Youtube and Wikipedia if you want to know more about things. Particularly for Psychology, there are many great channels like ‘Vsauce’ and ‘Crash Course’ that cover concepts related to the course.

  • Explain

I find it helpful to imagine I am explaining a concept to someone else. I think about what I would cover (what I need to know), how to explain it simply (so I know I understand it), and consider what I’m having trouble putting into words (what I need to revise).

There you go, everyone! Good luck with exams.

Bella 🙂


2 thoughts on “Study Tips (Bella)

  1. Great advice! I like the last one a lot, definitely my go-to learning technique! Hope your exams go well!

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