Take my Breadth Away (Mia)

Hi, guys! Yes, I know I haven’t posted in a long time. No, I’m not dead. No, I’m not a zombie. And yes, I’ve missed you all.

So. What’s up with my life? I have survived Semester 1. Yeay! I didn’t do as well as I would’ve liked, but hey, I survived! So, anyway, after making the colossal mistake of taking four prerequisite-to-my-major, hardcore Science subjects in one semester, I have decided to give myself a break from all the medical mumbo-jumbo by taking a breadth subject in Semester 2 – Chinese.

So, I’ve decided to make this blog post about breadth subjects. One of the good things about the university is its flexibility – I can major in pathology but at the same time take Arts, Commerce or Law subjects on the side. Taking breadth subjects that, on the surface, seem drastically different to your chosen major may seem like a waste of time (and effort), but it actually puts things into a wider, more holistic perspective. The term “global citizen” ring a bell, anyone?

What breadth subjects would I recommend? Well, it’s up to you and your interests, really. If you’re a wine connoisseur, give Australia in the Wine World a try (wine tasting included – what’s not to like?)! If music is more your thing (but you’re not majoring in it), why not go for Glee Singing or African Music and Dance? If you love traveling, check out Going Places – Traveling Smarter. With such a wide array of subjects, you’d be hard-pressed not to find one that doesn’t match your interests!

If you’d like a more in-depth approach, try the university breadth tracks, which give you a list of the subjects you can take over your degree to give you a deeper view on a chosen subject matter. Or really, just go try something new! University is all about trying new things and discovering yourself. So take a deep breath, and take the plunge! You’ll love it!

Note: check the university handbook or 13 Melb for further details on breadth subjects.