Intermission (Eleanor)
You’ve survived half of your first semester at university! Pat on the back and a high-five for getting through so far- because wow, is it different from high school.
No one telling you to hand in homework.
No one telling you to be on time.
No lockers, no backpacks, no uniform.
At first this seemed like freedom. I could watch Netflix non-stop! Wear a onesie to class every day!
It would be great if we could all relax and get a H1 for all assignments. Unfortunately, after receiving back a first few assessments, even with effort scoring well can be hard. Some subjects are pleasantly easy, others are actually difficult once you begin the work. And after coming back from the big break (post-year 12 summer holiday) studying still feels like yesterday. I chose to start university straight after finishing high school. Sometimes seeing my friends on their gap year, having fun overseas makes me slightly jealous.
However it’s important to stay positive. Coming back to study after a year-long break can be harder whereas diving straight in may keep you in the mindset. There’s always the option of a gap year after undergraduate study, or combining holiday and study together by going on exchange during your bachelor course!
And, of course, remember the reasons for choosing your subjects. It’s much easier to work on something you’re interested in – find those moments that inspired you to know more!
Alright, enough of my motivational rambling and time to get cracking on those essays.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel!
The light is getting brighter by the day. Nearly there!!!