Roots (Aimee)
Hello my reader buddies! How are you? Enjoying all the marvels of Springtime? If you’ve got hay-fever, probably the only thing you’re enjoying is a box of Kleenex. If so, that’s awful! (Have you tried the new aloe vera 3ply??) In a way, Spring’s arrival is quite appropriate. This time of year is all about transitions and here we are: about to go our separate ways! *Sniff, sniff* But before we rugby-tackle the hay-fever sufferers for their tissues, we’ve got one more post to get through! So, prepare those stiff-upper lips, my reader pals! (Though not literally, because that would be slightly weird…)
The other day, I was – you guessed it – in an exam and a tiny-huge event happened: I dropped my biro. (Thrilling, I know!!) The soft ‘clunk’ of my pen on the floorboards gave me dejavu. I could picture myself as an unsuspecting first year, diving to recover a much-loved yellow highlighter, in my very first week. Well, I thought, I’ve moved on since then! With confidence, I leaned forward, deploying the utmost subtlety, to retrieve my biro. Leaning subtly, though, is harder than it looks. (Especially if, like me, you identify as ‘clutzilla’.) In one ungraceful move, I slid straight off the chair and nearly smashed my head on the table leg. *Sigh!*
It’s not the first time I’ve had a ‘just-kill-me-now!’ moment. It certainly won’t be the last. The truth is, though I’ve been here for nearly a year, uni still manages to throw-up occasions which are embarrassing/shameful/make me want to wear a paper-bag on my head. It’s even more mortifying when these mishaps are entirely preventable. Sometimes, for reasons known only to my inner-idiot, I make the same mistakes. I procrastinate. Don’t study enough. Study too much. Put my foot in my mouth. Put my foot where there is no floor and fall over backwards. (Yes, this happened!) Or else, I make the egocentric blunder of thinking that I’m in control… only to discover (for the eight-thousandth time!) that I don’t have complete power over the entire universe. (And frankly, the universe should be grateful!)
The only thing that comforts me (metaphor incoming!) is thinking of myself as a plant. (And by this I mean something appropriately poetic and sweet-smelling, not a venus fly-trap.) Every day, I grow a little, only to be stepped-on or squashed because I’ve set down my roots in the wrong place/at the wrong time. It’s okay though, because every day, I learn. And even though, sometimes, I have to build myself up from the bottom again, my roots are strong and I’m hanging out for that sunlight, baby!
I could have written you posts about study-techniques and strategies. I didn’t. Mostly because everyone else already knows better than me, anyway! Yet, I also figured, we’re all in the same rickety boat: trying to improve ourselves and seem flawless. Meanwhile, we’re still tripping, blundering and dropping our stationary. That’s okay. However many times/how badly we stuff it up, there’s always a better tomorrow coming… so long as we’re resilient. Still, it’s easy to think that you’re hopeless and everyone else is perfect. If you get anything out of my blog, I hope it’s that you’re not the only one who occasionally finds yourself in a bit of a stinker. We all do. Whatever lengths we go to to hide it, we’re all stinky underwhelming human beings at heart.
Whew! Enough deep stuff! Time for a quiz!
Q1. It’s the first week of uni and you can’t find your tut-room. Do you…
A. Get on your knees and pray for strength
B. Go visit a random tut-class and learn about the socioeconomic ramifications of climate change instead
C. Get so upset that you decide to skip the tut, go home and watch netflix
Q2. You’re having an ice-breaker convo with someone you just met on campus and you uncharacteristically say something awkard. Do you…
A. Ask for cosmetic surgery on your tongue.
B. Burst into tears and book a flight to a deserted island where no social-interaction is required.
C. Pretend to have been possessed by aliens and use your phone to dial the mothership, requesting an emergency beam-up.
Q3. You have an exam tomorrow. Your reaction could most accurately be described as:
A. I’ve been studying for this exam on quantum physics my whole life.
B. What exam?!? (Due date, do date!)
C. I hear the Bahamas is nice at this time of year…
Adios, my blog-readers. Thank you so much for being there for me, throughout all of my triumphs and challenges. In return, I wish you all the best for all of yours.
Love always,
*Cue happy dance music, balloons and party poppers*