What next?

My last exam is tomorrow and then I’ll no longer be a doe-eyed fresher 🤩 Thought I’ll write my last post while I am still technically a first year.

So, it’s been an amazing experience here, working with some amazing students and learning from such great professors…. yeah, now it’s sounding like a graduation speech. I’ll save it for the podium 😝

Cat is off meds for now, has shed a few kilos and learned some new management concepts like servant-leadership, micro-management and follow-up. She is actively practicing them on me by following me around the house 🤣 #BossCat

As for me, I am busy planning vacation activities. There won’t be any cookbooks this time but I’ll be working on my latest discovery – instant noodles. They have been around since time immemorial 😆 but I recently got over my childhood trauma of overcooked maggi (no offence mom, you know I hated it 🥴) and entered the wonderful world of slurpy noodles 🍜 Can’t get enough!

My other project will be winter soups, something that’s healthy and hearty enough to pass off as lunch. I’ll be travelling to work now and can’t spend too much time on 4-course meals 😑

And finally, the biggest and baddest of them all, preparation for job interviews 😣 My experience rules me out of the internship and grad job race and I have got my eyes set on mid-level management roles in the most competitive financial institutions in the world, who hire only the best 🙄

Unimelb has been the perfect launchpad to get me started on this journey and I got my resume sorted, I even got to attend workshops and sessions with these companies 😁 But now I’ll have to start preparing for the dreaded technical tests and that will be taking up most of my time this break and the next semester.

Speaking of the next semester, I have a few classes that are on-campus, looking forward.

Hope to see you soon.


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