7 out of 10? (Natty)

Thank god week 9 is over! I havn’t posted in ages due to a stack of assignments and stress. I am in the clearing now or whatever the expression is, I’m sure worrying about uni work for the last 2 weeks has had a detrimental affect on my vocabulary. If you poke me perhaps I’ll say something like ‘phonology’ or ‘American constitution’ but normal conversation has gone right out of the window lol.

The frustrating thing is, I don’t even feel like I’ve done particularly well in my assignments despite really struggling with them for hours and hours. Take linguistics for example, I spent 4 hours on one part of one question. By the end of it I did have an answer and was pleased to have found anythingto say but I reckon I’m still far from what the question was looking for. Hmm, they (lol whoever ‘they’ are!) have told us over and over about upper eschalons (spelling? sounds like seafood to me!) and how those of us who are used to doing really well might be in for a bit of a shock but I haven’t really taken it on board until now. I can be ridiculously competitive and at school not getting an A was just not an option for me yet here I am quite probably failing despite a LOT more effort. Gargh!

It’s ok, I guess it’s a learning curve and I’m pleased that I do find my work challenging even if breadth is my new enemy 😉 I cannot believe we are (practically) in week 10 though! I do not know where the time has flown to and it prompted me to think about my whole uni experience so far and rate it for you guys out of 10.

I realised after writing my title that it could be interpreted differently… what’s the name of that facebook app where you rate how hot someone is? I don’t have it due to a general desire to avoid mortification but the title reminded me of that. So, sorry guys, if you were expecting me to be rating some person/ animal (not on a hotness scale obviously)/ other non-uni thing then you can stop reading here, I won’t be offended.

So…. I’m going to give it… *looks into weird cheapo figure of 8 ball* … a 7. I think that’s not too bad. I actually don’t have a single negative thing to say about the uni system and the lecturers etc (haha and I’m not just saying that as an attempted means of preventing subject failure) but I can’t give it a ten because I don’t love all of my subjects, it has been hard getting into the swing of things at time and the whole accommodation fiasco just knocks a ’10’ right on the head. How does everyone else rate their experience? Any tens out there? Urgh, or any ones? That would suck, though I hope (in the nicest possible way) that if you really thought it was that bad you’d moved somewhere else by now.

I’m looking forward to next semester though! I’ve got loads of stuff to look forward to, I’m moving into college for a start. It’s a weird concept for me to think about because, after living on my own I sort of see it as a regressive step in maturity. It’s not, if anything it’s better that I learnt to ask for help and knew what would be better for me but it does feel a little weird. I can’t wait though, I’m going to be in there on day one with bells on! What else? I suppose new subjects and stuff will be good too. I’ve gone through phases of wanting to narrow my subject choice one week after oving a particular subject to wanting to everything and anything the next.

I don’t think I have any other news. Oh, except! I went on the PIRATES cruise on Wednesday… amazing. The edge of a boat is probably not the best place to stand when you’ve had a bit too much to drink but I had fun, anyone who has not yet been on a boat cruise should go. NOW. I don’t even care if there isn’t a uni affiliated one haha. It was awesome!

Anyway I am off to a dance class to try and correct my lack of coordination lol. I will write something less sober next time… oh but if you never hear from me again then just assume I have knocked myself out with some weird can can type move. lol

Love love


One thought on “7 out of 10? (Natty)

  1. I think a 7/10 would be a pretty standard response for first semester. Hope everything goes well with your moving into college–things will get easier from then on…

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