La di da ~~ (Silvia)

     It has been a fair while since my semester one has terminated, hurrah! You’d think I’d be out partying every night like some alcoholic, teenage, party-animal but you know me, my social life is obviously non-existent. So while my friends are watching the new X-men movie and clubbing, I am enveloped in my blanket, wearing warm, woolly socks and happily sipping a mug of hot chocolate.
     Well, I admit that’s not all I’ve been doing. I have been coming out of my room a few times when the heavenly scent of my mum’s cooking comes wafting through the gaps of my door and I open it a crack, squinting in the sudden brightness and peering out suspiciously like some creature of the night. Well, not only that, but I also became a tour guide for an hour at Melbourne Uni!
     I enjoyed that very much. The girls were in year ten and I managed to gross them out by describing in explicit detail how a preserved toad floats, spreadeagled, in a jar of alcohol and what the soon-to-be-dissected mice look like when they’re lying motionless in a stainless steel tub: eyes horribly squinted, bleeding from the nose and body curled in pain. You know what confounds me? Why couldn’t we learn about the reproductive and digestive systems at the same time? Why did we have to dissect two different mice? If we had done it my way, half the mice population could have been saved. Mouse genocide, that’s what it was.
     Anyway, back to the tour. I got along great with the girls and one of them complimented my chucks. Everyone loves those: someone once passed me a note saying that 😛 The girls told me they wanted to be in uni now because of the freedom and independence one gained. I couldn’t deny that, but sadly, they still have to wait two years.
     It was a miserable time when the tour came to an end. I definitely won’t forget them and I hope they won’t forget me!
     I’d say that just about wraps up my holidays so far. Wait, not true. I’ve also been working. I got off early today because no-one showed up for the late classes! I still have to write reports, but I’ve only got one to go. Out of three. Haha! I’m having enough trouble doing those: they have to be detailed and outline everything the student has done from the start to finish of term. I don’t have a clue how teachers manage thirty and still make it so detailed when all they can go by are test scores. If my high school was any indication, tests did not show the students’ capabilities, rather how mean the teachers were -.-
     But yeah, that’s it for today. I’ll write again when something happens. Knowing me, it’ll be soon 😉 But it’s also the holidays, so maybe Lady Fortune (or Unfortune, in my case) might cut me some slack.

One thought on “La di da ~~ (Silvia)

  1. hey silvia, if i am not wrong, teachers have some sort of template when writing their report. Not only templates, but also a program that lets them ‘click and print’ particular sentences into the report. They dont have to write it line by line, just click and it’ll say “[name] has behaved well and diligently in the class and score xx% overall”. 😀 no stress

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