Yawwwwn. (Suzanne)

My college PPL tutor says that once the assignments all get handed in, law students just start to drift. Without the stress of looming deadlines, they decide to relax, showing up to fewer classes, putting less effort into note-taking, and ignoring the cases that they have to read for lectures. Almost all of them forget that they have exams just around the corner, and sink into a state of blissfully ignorant lethargy.

You know what?

She’s totally right.

Guess how many pages of reading I’m behind on in Legal Method and Reasoning. Clue: It’s three seminars worth of stuff which I haven’t touched. Somehow, I’m completely and totally up to date, even slightly ahead, with the reading for Principles of Public Law, though. I suppose it’s just the content of the reading — it’s so much easier to read debates on the nature of human rights than it is to read pages of judicial opinion on whether ginger beer manufacturers should be sued for letting decomposed snails get into their bottles.

I haven’t practised enough this week either… last week and the week before were really good because I got in about three and a half hours a day on average, but this week it’s been about two hours a day so far, plus half an hour or so of playing random things I shouldn’t be playing because they’re irrelevant to what I’m supposed to be working on. I’m so bored of scales. Can’t wait until next semester when we get actual pieces of music to play.

At any rate, I need to get my lethargic butt moving, and/or stop procrastinating on the internet until midnight like I am now.

All the more ironic given that exam timetables came out today:

Practical Study (clarinet): June 12th, 2:30
Legal Method and Reasoning: June 14th, 9:30
Principles of Public Law: June 19th, 2:15

Hmm. I wonder why I don’t have an aural studies exam.

In other news: orchestra concert on Monday went well but involved me getting home at 1 am because the trains stopped working, yesterday’s Mozart competition was a disaster, and I’ve eaten lunch at uni more often this week than in the entire previous weeks combined because I keep forgetting to order a sandwich from college.

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