#1//Into the Rabbit Hole (Nicole)


My experiences so far have been akin to travelling into the rabbit hole; but the process has been part falling, part purposefully looking for the fall. That’s not to say I had the hubris of knowing Wonderland would follow the fall—it doesn’t. I took the plunge in anticipating for more rabbit tunnels lain in endless fractals, and it would take me tears, laughter, and sweat to go through countless doors.

This is the non-linear adventure I am looking for.

I know there was another first-year-blogger named Nicole (hi Nicole!—if you’re reading this), and I am in no way going to supersede her and the solid blogging work she has kept up. I’ve been struggling to come up with a way to identify myself differently, but I’m content enough with my name (haha) to come up with a pseudonym. Nor will I call myself “Nicole from _ _ _” because I’m in Melbourne now and where I was born does not define who I am (well, it does explain my penchant for certain food). So, I’ll just stick with Nicole, and hopefully you can spot the stylistic differences to tell us apart.

Here’s a (not so) quick reel of me:

  • Sushi is my love (by the way, can anyone tell me where I can get good Japanese food around here that doesn’t swallow my wallet);
  • So are 70s-90s music, post-punk, progressive rock, shoegaze, and classical rock bands;
  • I love learning, and I believe education needs revolutionising;
  • Speaking of which, the biosciences are absolutely fascinating, but I also think everyone should be taught all the sciences equally because EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!!;
  • I’m a die hard David Fincher, PT Anderson, and Wes Anderson fan;
  • TV-wise, my current jam are House of Cards, Fargo, and Portlandia;
  • I would love to learn several verbal and non-verbal languages;
  • I’d better take up some serious kayaking while I’m here;
  • In case you haven’t guessed already, I’m a BSc student;
  • For those of you looking for practical advice—I graduated as an IBDP student—you can definitely ask me questions about IB and coming to Melbourne Uni;
  • But mind you, I don’t like to talk about academic performance at all, because this is not what university only means to me, and I do demand a lot from myself—for that reason, I will not disclose my future career aspirations as of yet

Perhaps next week will open another door, or I’ll keep tumbling and falling for several weeks until I even catch a glimpse of a new door. Admittedly, I do feel as if I am still falling in suspension, but I am starting to get a sense of where I am and the amount of momentum I need to push myself out of this limbo phase (that everyone surely has gone through).

Happy Easter everyone.

2 thoughts on “#1//Into the Rabbit Hole (Nicole)

  1. University IS a great adventure. You have the spirit to not only survive but thrive – I know it!
    PS We have the same taste in TV shows! 🙂

  2. Hi Nicole! Pleased to have you on First Year!
    Thank you for the compliment! Haha! I hope you love blogging here, as much as I did! 🙂

    Emerged, I love learning non-verbal language! You should definitely take up Auslan and Visual Communication, and Deafness and Communication as your breadth! I’m taking those this year as a second year! I have been looking forward to learning Auslan (Australian Sign Language) in a formal setting for years!

    I wish you good luck in first year, and I will be following your posts, as well as every one else’s! 🙂

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