
  1. 2nd Year? [Daniel]

    It comes to me as a bit of a shock, the end of the year. And is best summed up as a general: “What? 1st year is over already?” I mean, the year for me has felt extraordinarily quick. I hear about Yr 12’s finishing (before me, bah!) and it takes a few seconds to […]

  2. Lessons learned, 2009 (Jennifer)

    There have been times in my life that I have wished for a Tardis. (Specifically, to fast-forward through awkward public transport experiences with sex pests, and to time-travel back so I could relive certain moments of my life, generally involving live music, wanton imbibing and/or Japan. Also every time I've ever missed Q & A on Thursday nights.) BUT if David Tenant extended his hand to me in a come-hither fashion, I would not step back a year.

  3. Holidays…..Celebrate….

    Before i continue singing the tune to quite possibly the worst Madonna song in existence i want to cleverly allude to the related and yet 1000x better topic that is: Summer Holidays. ahh for years my whole life it seems has been a build up to what is probably the best time of the whole […]

  4. End of Semester[Daniel]

    Well it’s finally the end of the year and thus my first year at university. I’ll no longer be a new guy! Hoorah! So I’ve decided for some tips for myself, if I had a time machine to give them back to myself: One thing that I must stress, if you are interested in Understanding […]

  5. Moving Out?[Daniel]

    Not really,  I’ve just moved in with a friend of mine while his parents are gone for a month. So while technically I have moved out from home, I’ll be certainly back there soon enough. All I can say for sure is that anyone who has a big bath can be my roommate.  At “home […]

  6. Went to the country, returned alive. (Peech)

    So, I finally kicked my ass into gear and went about finding some farm work for the holidays. It was a mildly frightening task (for a sufferer of social anxiety) made more difficult by the unfortunate fact that farmers are not keen on the internet.

  7. Wow Holidays! [Daniel]

    Well its the mid-semester holidays (break) yet again! THIS TIME WITH TWO WEEKS! Which is incredibly useful especially since one of those weeks have already passed and I still haven’t done all the catching up (with work) that I’ve wanted to do! Such as this blog, cleaning/painting the house, getting a job, deal with assignments, […]


    This week at university we had student elections, which were excellent in displaying the power of pamphlet tagging. And while you can despise each particular person for intruding on your day and accosting you every time you go to Union house or the Baillieu (I hate spelling that), you have to admire their determination to […]

  9. 5/6 Weeks for…. [Daniel]

    Everything at university semester 2 to finally click. The Tutorials, fun! The Lectures leading! People talkative! All within the magical 5 week period… I say six because, well,  it was only today that everything seemed to work. It must be something to do with the stars aligning and the magical splendor of Prosh week. Well […]

  10. Giving up the ghost, and such (Jennifer)

    Of late, I feel like I've been constantly running out the door with a bagel in one hand and my shoes in the other, shouting some variety of vale and realising I've forgotten my phone. (Note: not literally. I usually manage to jam my trotters into shoes before leaving the house, and bagels are tricky to eat while driving. Actually, I don't understand the compulsion people have for pushing edible product into their cakeholes in public. What, your life is so busy that you can't afford to sit down for five seconds to 'digest' your sausage McMuffin? The divine prophet Hamburglar appeared to you, and told you to disseminate its fetid odour around the tram? You feel that your fervent, gummy champing somehow adds to the percussive street noise? No. It's disgusting. I don't - I will not - understand.)

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