Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. How do I save money!? (Bella)

    Life as a uni student can be difficult, money-wise…. all of a sudden you have an amazing freedom to go out with friends, but this can be expensive! Here are some tips I’ve found useful: 1. Dedicate money to spend and money to save I have two jobs, so I (try to) use the money […]

  2. Review: Uni Events (Bella)

    Hey all! I’ve been lucky enough to attend quite a few uni events this semester, and I think they are a great way to catch up with friends and meet new people 🙂 My favourite event I attended would have to be the Paint and Glow party, run by M-ASS (the arts student society here […]

  3. Why showering at Uni is the best

    Don’t judge me just yet. I have showered at Uni Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week, and as I walked in yesterday and reveled in the luxury of having all of the showers to choose from, I began to wonder why the University Sports Centre showers are hardly ever used? I play futsal at Uni and […]

  4. I don't have to wear plaid to learn (Katherine Olivia)

    Hey there! Transitioning from High School to Uni life has been a huge part of my first year and after Week 8, I feel like I’m really settling into this new world. So I thought I’d share 3 little insights into what I’ve learned so far. 1. Getting into a routine. Uni is a bit […]

  5. Week 6 – Bella

    Hey everyone, right now I’m enjoying listening to music and relaxing, after work this morning and a big week back at uni after the mid-sem break 🙂 I think the state of disarray my room’s in is evidence of a busy week! I can’t believe it’s already the end of week 6 and this means […]

  6. Destination: Melbourne!? – Bella

    Well, I hope uni has been going well for everyone so far, and you’re all enjoying the mid-semester break. I submitted my first written assignment on Wednesday – I was quite nervous! Now, I feel it’s time to reflect on what were three awesome days at the start of this year… Destination:Melbourne took place at […]

  7. Let's Get Animated – Arts Ball 2014 (Phoebe)

    Highlight of my week – ARTS BALL! I mean, what’s not to love? Food, drinks, friends, and most importantly, fancy dress! I love costumes and always have, ever since I was little, playing dress-ups with my younger siblings. However, when I first heard the news that Arts Ball was themed, I couldn’t help but feel […]

  8. The Fledgling First-Year (Juliet)

    Is it bad that I already feel a little behind in all my subjects? Probably. Then again, Uni is kind of funny in that everything’s a bit open-ended. It’s the third week and I’m gazing at my subject notebooks, wondering what content I should tackle first, and to what degree of efficacy my studying will […]

  9. A Study in Blue (Juliet)

    I’m writing this from the ambient surrounds of the Brownless Biomedical library, which is a place I’m sure you’ll be frequenting if you study the health sciences. My first official week of Uni is coming to an end and I almost don’t want to leave. Almost. I think i’ve come to two main conclusions about […]

  10. And so it begins…(Emily)

    Ah o-week. A time to get yourself familiar with the large campus that is Melbourne Uni, meet new people and of course attend some of the many sessions to help ease you into uni life. A time to reunite with your highschool buddies and where South Lawn is brought to life with the always popular […]

Number of posts found: 192