Category: Money, part time jobs

  1. An Uninteresting Post (Georgie)

    On my life: – Saw Ben Kweller last night -> so so awesome! We were standing next to the door when he came in and then were like 2 meters away from him when he was on stage. Arghhh! – Have taken the weekend off work to do all my final essays. – Am ok […]

  2. Right now, I am supposed to be…. (Suzanne) – add your own!

    1. Watching my friends perform in Monteverdi’s Orfeo, because today was closing night. 2. Practising. As always. 3. Making a dent in six weeks behind-ness of law reading 4. Making my concise reference notes for open book law exams 5. Writing scholarship applications for next year 6. Applying for competitions/jobs 7. Calling my parents 8. […]

  3. My nerves are frazzled (Georgie)

    Things that get on my nerves: 1. People who block both sides of the escalator so no one can walk past. 2. Rude customers who come into the bookshop making unreasonable demands. I just work here! I can’t change the book prices! 3. Library staff that are mean and unhelpful. 4. Being unable to find […]

  4. Why 'opening' hours here turn me into a grumpy cow. (Suzanne)

    About a month ago, I applied for a credit card. I was told that I’d get it in 5-10 working days. So today, wondering why it hadn’t arrived yet, I thought I’d go harass the bank staff about it. Wanting to be relatively efficient, I thought I’d log onto my internet banking account and check […]

  5. Busy busy busy bee… (Suzanne)

    I really don’t want to know how much of my college download limit I’ve used up today. You see, in the past 7 days I have had two essay deadlines. And a choir concert. And open day tour-guiding. And music ball organising. And a mini-chamber-music presentation. On top of the usual practise, reading, and meetings. […]

  6. Mmmm…. (Georgie)

    Well hello again world. I feel like i haven’t written in ages. So what’s been going on? Well, I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough work for the holidays, but I ended up having way too much. I was in at the law firm and at A&R in Heidelberg and so I ended up […]

  7. Winter blues (David)

    The cold weather has finally got to me. I have been ill the last few days and it’s pissing me off. I advise anyone planning to sleep at a friend’s house to ensure that their house has some sort of heating or spare blankets. I think I caught my cold by sleeping on the floor […]

  8. To work or not to work?

    Before Easter, I ended up doing odd jobs here and there. Just one-off jobs that were pretty well paying. By the time I had figured out that I do actually have some spare time on my hands, it was a little late to look for a job in which I had to commit to since […]

  9. Song for a Winter's Night (David)

    So the holidays officially started for me last week and it has been good so far. I feel lazy and deflated, which is a usual feeling for me after exams are completed. I have been sleeping really late and waking up really late. It’s not good and I should correct it before it becomes a […]

  10. Update on my oh so interesting life (Georgie)

    Work: Doncaster A&R closed down so am now just a company casual. So far have had a few calls to work and have gotten a few shifts at chaddy and camberwell. Been for an interview at Borders on Lygon – unsucessful. Interviews suck. Was complaining to a friend about my joblesssness and now I’m at […]

Number of posts found: 86