Category: Uncategorized

  1. The end of the year (Raphael)

    Hi readers, I finished my exams four weeks ago, but have been so lazy since then that I haven’t made my planned end-of-year post yet! I wanted to write this post to wrap up how I felt about my year. There are so many different feelings I have had at different times over the last year regarding Uni, from […]

  2. Roots (Aimee)

    Hello my reader buddies! How are you? Enjoying all the marvels of Springtime? If you’ve got hay-fever, probably the only thing you’re enjoying is a box of Kleenex. If so, that’s awful! (Have you tried the new aloe vera 3ply??) In a way, Spring’s arrival is quite appropriate. This time of year is all about […]

  3. Computer Science @ Unimelb (Raphael)

    Hi everyone, hope exams are going well for you all! For anyone interested in it, I thought I’d make a post to reflect on my study of Computer Science this year at Uni. It’s an area that really interests me and that I’ve really enjoyed learning about this year. A core part of Computer Science is […]

  4. The Food Episode

    Back home, the streets were never really made for walking, with grotty public transportation and consistently hot climate. While it didn’t really limit the paths I could take (taxis were much cheaper), it made “random” encounters to a restaurant, bistro or specific café require planning to an extent, and random discoveries to eateries are unseen aside from the […]

  5. Who you gonna call?!? (Aimee)

    Hello there blog-readers and other life forms! I hope you’re well and feeling on top of exams/work/life in general. At least, I hope exams/work/life aren’t on top of you! (It’s okay, they’re on top of me too – ssh, don’t tell anyone…) Today I thought I’d embrace my inner journalist and give you an exposé. […]

  6. Week 12!!! (Raphael)

    It’s week 12! Congratulations to all my fellow first years for making in this far for a second time, it’s certainly an achievement! This semester has been a whirlwind for me for different reasons than semester one, and while I started off better this time around and had a better idea of what to expect, […]

  7. The Pizza that Broke the Student's Back (Aimee)

      Hello and welcome, my blog-reading pals! Seeing that we’ve reached the business end of Semester 2, I thought it would be nice to start this post with some meditation… that’s right, meditation! Because, let’s face it, life can sometimes be as fast-paced as a Vin Diesel action movie. And, even though we can’t rewrite […]

  8. Splat! (Aimee)

    **WARNING: The following blog post contains a few extremely-justified uses of the ‘s’ word, plus a couple of timely references to poop – reader discretion is advised *nay* required** Hey there my reader buddy!! Long time, no see! How are you? You look great! Is that a new t-shirt? (Wouldn’t it be awesome if you […]

  9. Routines

    Pretty much 3 quarters of ‘First Year’ has passed for me, and things are gradually becoming more stable. From locating lecture/tutorial spots to awkward hours on-campus and sleeping time, life in uni gradually becomes… normal, though some of it not in the way I want to.

  10. Woah! Half way there! (And Elections) [Raphael]

    We’re half way through semester two! And while many of us may very well be “living on a prayer” that we won’t be swamped with assignments, I think us first years should be congratulated on making it this far, it’s certainly not a walk in the park! I’m feeling particularly tired at the end of this […]

Number of posts found: 1217