Category: Uncategorized

  1. Choosing Your Breadth/Elective Subjects

    Throughout my first semester of uni, I’ve been hearing students saying, “what is the most bulgiest/elective subject for breadth?” or “I’m doing a bulge subject/elective, because I want things to be easy.” That’s a fair enough statement, that you’d like to do a bulge subject (easy, light weighted subject) to have a break. But have […]


    Today marks the end of my first semester of uni. I’ve never been this proud in my life ever, more than surviving Year 12. When I stepped outside, feeling satisfied with my last exam (technical exam for music), I felt that sense of relief, that happiness of finishing with Semester One. It all seems to associate […]

  3. Looking after your body: exercise

    *First and foremost, I am not pretending to be a nutritional expert or fitness guru, rather, this is what works for me!* University is a great time in your life! Whether you feel it or not, you’re an adult now; independent in your education and becoming independent in all other aspects of your life. Looking […]

  4. Looking after your body: food

    *First and foremost, I am not pretending to be a nutritional expert or fitness guru, rather, this is what works for me!* University is a great time in your life! Whether you feel it or not, you’re an adult now; independent in your education and becoming independent in all other aspects of your life. Looking […]

  5. Looking after your body: sleep

    *First and foremost, I am not pretending to be a nutritional expert or fitness guru, rather, this is what works for me!* University is a great time in your life! Whether you feel it or not, you’re an adult now; independent in your education and becoming independent in all other aspects of your life. Looking […]

  6. Pros and Cons of Waking Up Early – Nicole

    Tomorrow marks the start of our exams… annddddd we have to wake up early, if we have a 8:30am exam. What I could say is, “don’t worry man, it’ll be fine.” Nah, seriously. Pros weigh out the cons and here’s why… PROS 1. You get to see the sunrise Even though I catch up on […]

  7. Things happen…

    It is currently SWOT VAC at UniMelb (and for most other Universities) and I have had some interesting experiences over the past few days. Doesn’t it always seem to be the case that when you need to focus most, everything falls to bits? Since SWOT VAC started, I have been going to bed around 10:30, […]

  8. Study Tips (Bella)

    Hi all! Well, SWOTVAC is upon us, and I have spent most of my day today studying for MBB (Mind, Brain and Behaviour). Since I am revising memory and how it works… I thought I would give you all some study tips for the upcoming exams! Reorganisation First of all, it has been proven that […]

  9. Week 12 Feels – Nicole

    Congratulations! WE’RE FINISHED WITH SEMESTER ONE! I hope you all had a great semester! I know I had… sort of. It was full of ups and downs, challenges here and there. But it’s okay! I held on through all those long days, and bumps on the way, and got through my day in one piece. […]

  10. Tips for Studying (Muso Edition) – Nicole

    As a musician in first year, things can be hard as assignments gets difficult each time, practising becomes more frequent, studies gets more intense each time, or just basically struggling with everything else. If you’re struggling at the moment, all I could say is, “hang on tight, you’re almost there”. You’re not alone. We’re all on […]

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