Category: Uncategorized

  1. A Day in a Musician's Life Part 4 – Nicole

    OH MY GOD, IT’S FINALLY THURSDAY! Usually, Thursdays are my Fridays pretty much. Why? Well, I have a day off tomorrow. Woohoo! But! That doesn’t mean I get to sleep in tomorrow. Nah uh. Tomorrow, I go to uni to practise, and study/catch up with my other mates at uni, which is super awesome!   THURSDAYS […]

  2. A Day in a Musician's life Part 3 – Nicole

    Wednesday – the day when everyone thinks, “What the heck? It’s only Wednesday? Whut?” Look bud, it’s going to be alright! I’m pretty sure you are all surviving very well so far. Just take a breath, and take it one day, one hour, one lecture at a time, and you’ll be alright. Trust me. That’s […]

  3. A Day in a Musician's life Part 2 – Nicole

    Hello! I hope your second day back at uni was alright for you! Mine was alright today. I had a really long day that I probably don’t really know what to feel now. 😐 But, it’s okay! There will be a brand new day tomorrow, and I’m excited for the future. 🙂 Alrighty, today! Here’s […]

  4. A Day in a Musician's life Part 1- Nicole

    Hello readers! I hope you all had a wonderful mid-semester break! Mine was a pretty nice break! I seriously loved staying up late for once. But now, we’re back at uni… Sooo, now I have to wake up very early from now on. Oh bugger. 🙁 You must be wondering, what does my weekly schedule […]

  5. Hi, my name is… (Katherine Olivia)

    You may know me from the time I fell down the stairs walking into my AusPol lecture, or perhaps you’ve seen me nestled under a tree on South Lawn, enjoying the plethora of free food opportunities we always seem to have on campus. For everyone else, an introduction is in order! I’m Katherine, another newbie […]

  6. My Non-Existent Easter Break (Johanna – Mia)

    Hello, everyone! It’s me! Yeay! For those of you who are wondering where I’ve been these few weeks, rest assured! I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth yet, – I’m just on the edge and hanging on for dear life. Okay, drama aside, never, ever, ever do four second year science subjects in […]

  7. Destination: Melbourne!? – Bella

    Well, I hope uni has been going well for everyone so far, and you’re all enjoying the mid-semester break. I submitted my first written assignment on Wednesday – I was quite nervous! Now, I feel it’s time to reflect on what were three awesome days at the start of this year… Destination:Melbourne took place at […]

  8. Easter non-teaching period

    I hope everyone is enjoying the Easter break! So at the end of last week, it was totally my intention to use this week for some hardcore reading, studying, catching up on missed lectures online and writing the two essays that I have due next week. It is now Thursday evening, and I have done […]

  9. G'day, fellow readers! – Nicole

    Hello, I’m Nicole, and I’ll be one of your First_year@unimelb bloggers! I’m super honoured to be a part of this wonderful committee, and hopefully you’ll be enjoying reading our lovely posts about our experiences this year. Few things about myself! Well, I’m a Bachelor of Music student, majoring in Music Performance and Classical Studies on piano. My […]

  10. Hey readers! – Bella

    My name’s Bella, and I’m super excited to be a part of the First_year@unimelb blogging team! Hopefully this post gives you an insight into who I am… aside from uni I enjoy dance, drama and indulging in various forms of the wonderful beverage that is coffee. Why did I choose The University of Melbourne? It’s […]

Number of posts found: 1217