Category: Uncategorized

  1. I just feel like saying things on the internet is a bad idea. (Victoria)

    By which I mean people on the internet will make you want to punch them and yourself in the face to get away from it. So I’m a massive Whovian, right. Like, I am so incredibly keen for the 50th anniversary and for the Twelfth Doctor and it just makes me so happy to think […]

  2. Complementary G-string, anybody? (Simone)

    I’ve been trying to come up with some costume ideas for the Arts Bookworm Ball, and so far, all I’ve thought of is that if I were a guy, I would totally be dressing up as Mr Darcy – he’s the ultimate bachelor (clearly! But maybe I wouldn’t know this if I was a guy?), […]

  3. Tuesdays are my day off. (Victoria)

    Sitting in my room convincing myself that now I’ve finished season to of Torchwood and my make-up and had lunch that I’ll finally get around to my English assignment and I can hear the march down Swanston. The thing is, I’m just over Australian politics. I remember this close to the last US election I […]

  4. Semester Two, end of week 3: already behind in readings?! Yes. (Simone)

    On Thursday afternoon, a massive tidal wave of assignments and readings pulled me under. Now, normally, I can swim through these – after year 12 my freestyle is pretty solid! – but, I feel like right now I’ve started to drown. It’s all too much, and I can’t see any cute life guards ready to […]

  5. I spent three hours Wednesday learning about modernism. (Victoria)

    First week’s done and dusted and so far I’m pretty happy. I was sceptical, even a couple of days ago, about the subject’s I’d chosen, but after having all but one tute down I’ve warmed up a little. My biggest worry was gender studies because it’s a topic that invites so much infuriating radicalism and […]

  6. Semester two begins – with sunshine and a blue sky (Simone)

    Somehow we’re back at uni again! I swear I didn’t live through a whole 5 weeks of holidays. There isn’t much proof of my holidaying – my bedroom is probably just as messy as it was before (that was probably expected, though) and I’m not more ‘rested’ or relaxed (a holiday bedtime of 1am probably […]

  7. Preparing for those awkward, week 1 get-to-know-you activities (Simone)

    To anyone who is not yet at uni, or who is about to begin this semester, I must warn you that one of the hardest questions you will be asked in your first tutorial for each subject actually sounds deceivingly simple: ‘Please tell the class your name and one interesting thing about yourself’. If you […]

  8. We're not the new kids any more. (Victoria)

    With our second semester starting in just a few days, how will it be different from last semester? I’ll probably tell myself I’ll d the work more and keep organised and not leave assignments with two days to go (one for research, one for writing. What more do you need?) but considering I’ve already told […]

  9. I'm home and everything is wrong. (Victoria)

    So, as you should know, I moved out of home to go to UniMelb, so going home for holidays is one of the things I do. So I got home about an hour ago and have only noticed how different everything is. My parents now have no children at home (I was the seventh and […]

  10. Oppaa! (Simone)

    “Simone? That’s you, yeah? I think they’ve put you on the wrong table,” a girl in a sleek black dress had tapped her red fingernails on the list of names. “There must have been a mix up… I’m so sorry.” I stared at the list of names on my new table, realising suddenly that I […]

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